WH Coronavirus Task Force Briefing | Talking Points Memo

The buck stops, stops, stops…uh over there somewhere.

Very preliminary, possibly positive news about how an early response in WA might be slowing down infections. This could all be undone by lifting protocols too early or re-infection from travelers, but at least it’s one hopeful sign:


Has Jared Kushner ever stood at a podium and answered questions about anything? I can’t recall.

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Until there’s a vaccine I imagine this is more likely than not???

He’s toned it down a little probably on the advice of smarter people who hang around him. But I don’t like it one bit that media is once again handing him the bully pulpit again for free just as they did during his campaign. We saw and heard a lot of him, and far less than HRC.

Yeah, re-infection from out-of-state travelers is a major risk even if it’s locally contained. It’s why China is closing its borders, after getting it more or less under control within China. This is all about buying time, slowing it down until there is a vaccine.


I think the only way to modify Trump’s behavior is to convince him that the change will improve his re-election chances.
There is no other criterion with him.

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As someone who barely got by in high school biology, I salute you. (I bet I would have paid more attention had you been the teacher.)

Three items (two related to litigation)

(1) We MUST NOT let Trump get away with the Mini-Trump Rally every day. Methinks that the increase in cases will make it that much harder to “romanticize” and spin the transformation of Trump the bungler/murderer to Trump the savior. But Trump is killing people, plain and simple.

(2) I hope litigation occurs with Liberty University

(3) I hope dearly that litigation occurs with FOX News

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I imagine if the plaintiff has a credible case, Liberty will settle immediately with cash and a confidential agreement.

I rather think it might have something to do with planned voter suppression measures, as a Vid Pro Co-19.

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I watched about 10 minutes of a Joel Osteen sermon today. Basically God will protect you from the virus.
That prick deserves to be in prison.


It’s the Barr DoJ, so probably demanding equal access to the inside information next time.


Expect nothing but “don’t do that again, OK”


I have an elderly friend in New Orleans who is a devout Catholic and believes in some crazy book he found somewhere that cites a 1976 study saying the tannins in grapes will stop viruses. It was amusing getting his texts telling me to drink grape juice and wine til he told me he has “the flu”… I’m trying to get him to call the free nurse line. He’s been self-isolating, but only for about a week, so I hope his son and daughter will talk sense into him and get him tested.


More condolences. Sounds like he was a very decent and good man.


Strong move by Governor Whitmer, as opposed to the embarrassment that is Governor Abbott.


He stood on the sidewalk once. I remember because I thought, “oh that’s what he sounds like.” He was getting asked about his security clearance problem.

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Also, There will be several peaks, depending on location (and assuming no “second wave”). The NYC (northeast), Chicago, Seattle (northwest and west) peak will be mid-April. Southern state peaks are not until the end of April.

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