WH ‘Committed To Fighting Our Hearts Out’ For Embattled Tanden Confirmation | Talking Points Memo

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday made clear that the Biden administration is not giving up its fight for the confirmation of Neera Tanden for OMB director.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1362532
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I don’t know how one stops a hypocrite from being a hypocrite. Does Biden pull her nomination and nominate someone more to the left of Tanden?


Voting them out. They stay hypocrites but they’re just sitting home, so it’s less of a problem.


When politics has been raised to the level of a religious cult it’s hard to negotiate. There is not much one can offer people whose obsession requires their opposition to be hanged. And themselves too if they dare to voice any different opinions.


I don’t know whether she gets confirmed in the end or not, but if this is a signal to Republicans (and Manchin) that they won’t back down from a fight, I’m all for it.

Let Republicans explain to Americans how personally offended they are by mean tweets after four years of Trump. I mean, hell, he’s still doing it. Just watch him at CPAC later today if you can stand it. I can’t. To me, he’s like the eclipse…only to be viewed indirectly, if at all.


This is Team Biden sending a message. They know what the Dem rep is.

And a Party advocating the 2024 candidacy of a man who incited a Rebellion less than two months ago is not in a position to complain about mean tweets.


My money is on Tanden dropping out “on her own”, wink wink. Team Biden can fight all they want but the votes aren’t there. He can’t cave on this, so dropping out is the best of options.


It would be nice if it were something higher in impact on Joe’s Agenda. This happens in Academia…I guess all professions have people who get “kicked upstairs”.

Exactly. Neera Tanden is immensely qualified, without question, but we have a very deep bench with any number of qualified candidates. The fact they’re still sticking by her is a message to Republicans, Democratic fence-straddlers, and the media. This is a Democratic Administration that’s setting a tone -that they’re up for a fight if that’s what it takes to get things done. It’s like one of those westerns where everyone knows the big gunfight is coming (filibuster reform) and everyone’s getting their preparations locked down.


Is there any truth to the rumor that Joe Manchin’s criticism is really personal and petty. Apparently Tanden spoke ill of Joe’s daughter whose price gouging of EpiPen made the needed technology prohibitively expensive for millions.


Personally, I think Tanden is highly qualified for the job and if the opposition to her is that she has said mean things about some Republicans - before she was nominated - , she gets my vote. The only real question should be whether she is qualified and I have yet to hear anyone make a compelling argument that she is not. This “pearl-clutching” charade by the Republicans (and Yes, Joe Manchin) is too disingenuous to be taken seriously. Unfortunately, politics will likely win out here and she will ave to withdraw her name.


“We made a poor decision and steadfastly refused to go back on it because we wanted continuity in government.”

Manchin is clearly an ass, but what’s so great about Tanden? Just stating that she’s “immensely qualified” doesn’t make it true. What, exactly, are her qualifications? A willingness to cut “entitlements?”

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These are her qualifications from CAP. As I’ve said, she’s qualified as are others, but she’s apparently the person Biden wants and is willing to fight for.



As long as they fight this hard for things I actually do care about, fine start a fight over it. Personally, I don’t care if Tanden gets confirmed or not, but I agree with most that this is an absurd situation and she shouldn’t be getting this bullshit resistance.


Don’t pull the nomination. Make Manchin and every damn QAPer in the Senate show themselves for the wimpy snowflakes that they really are.

Remember Grenell’s endlessly nasty Tweets and how QAPers AND Manchin saw nothing wrong that disqualified that freak from holding office!


Well on the talking heads Christie was all but begging Manchin to join the repubs.

All I can say is Manchin must have Lieberman on speed dial.

Is disfunction now the center right official position regardless of party?


I think Biden can’t simply bow to GOP pressure on this because they’ll take that as a go-ahead for resisting everything.


Her resume speaks for itself. Political ideology, so long as it’s not actual radical crazy talk, isn’t the issue. She has worked in this field, in government, in positions of leadership and power for years and she is the person the president wants to hire. She’s not my first or 10th choice, but I’m not president. She’s qualified, she’s competent, she’s not a foreign asset or some other security risk and the president wants her on his cabinet. That’s really all that should matter.