White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham lashed out at Democrats on Thursday as another public impeachment hearing was underway.
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White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham lashed out at Democrats on Thursday as another public impeachment hearing was underway.
My hatred is quite robust & healthy!
“The Democrats’ [sic] are clearly being motivated by a sick hatred for President Trump and their rabid desire to overturn the 2016 election,” Grisham said in response to the hearing. “The American people deserve better.”
I disrespectfully disagree with Grisham. I would say Democrats have just the proper amount of hatred for the man who separates and jails little children and is a traitor to America and her values.
Watching Trump and now Netanyahu getting hoisted by their own petard is karmic Justice. Slow in coming, but it is coming.
No, I have a hatred of crooks and other people demanding a foreign country interfere in a US election.
I admit it. I’ve got a hatred for Trump and many of the other Republicans (Barr, McConnell, Nunes, Jordan, to name a few).
However, it does not make me sick and it’s not disabling in the least … actually it’s quite invigorating.
I hope it’s contagious, too.
Cry harder, snowflakes.
Do they really want to talk about “sickness?” Bonespurs could rape their baby, then dismember it and eat it alive right in front of them and they would deny what they saw with their very own eyes. I truly believe this is not political. It’s pathological. These people need treatment and deprograming. They’re all sick in the head with blind allegiance. We are dealing with mass cognitive dissonance and Dunning Kruger Effect.
What not to hate…the oval office squatter
Birther sez wut?
They have been being propagandized for the last 25 years, they’re still Americans.
Let’s remember that this vile woman was press secretary for Mel’s “Be Best” campaign. Whatever happened to that, anyway?
Yeah, why can’t the Dems just have a “Healthy Scorn” or “Normal Loathing” of Trump? He’s earned that much.
Fiona Hill and David Holmes have minds like bear traps, a clear command of facts, and their professionalism, patriotism, and fidelity to the Constitution is evident. This is in contrast to Trump and his Repub and staff minions and apologists.
So sayeth Baghdad Barb.
Try holding a press conference again some year, Debbie DUI.
I don’t hate Trump personally. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. counseled us to love even those of us who are committing acts against humanity. What Trump does certainly qualifies as that, as well as disgusting and despicable.
This ol’ overturn the election nonsense again.
And, it HAS to be a ‘sick hatred’…it can’t be because he’s a f*ckin’ criminal who thinks the rules don’t apply to him.
Your anguish sustains me.
I don’t hate Trump: I despise him. What I do hate is the wound in our democracy he was instrumental in creating and the people around him who made it wider.
Stephanie should begin setting aside a little time every afternoon to work on her resume.