We’ve Finally Solved The Mystery Of George Santos’ Mysterious Fortune

The world knows a lot about Rep. George Santos (R-NY). His backstory is full of lies and his campaign finance reports were studded with extraordinary irregularities. However, amid a cascade of revelations about Santos’ extraordinary deceptions and unusual election operation over the last few months, one mystery remained. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1470654
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[from the article:] “There were lies told,” Perini said.

Shocking, considering the protagonists.


“mental seduction” sounds a lot like phone sex.


… we got an answer. Federal prosecutors said Santos’ fortune never existed at all.


However, a source close to Santos who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation, suggested it was Marks, the campaign treasurer who bore responsibility for any impropriety. The comments seem to hint at Santos’ potential defenses as he confronts the mounting legal drama.

“There’s responsibilities to being the official fiduciary of a campaign, one being you make sure your principal isn’t doing shady stuff around money and also yourself are not doing shady stuff around money,” the source close to Santos said.


So, just like Trump admits to doing the deeds, but they are not “crimes” due to his “absolute immunity as President,” the “source close to Santos” agrees Santos did the “shady stuff” but it’s Marks’ fault for not catching him and sending him to his room without dinner until he stopped doing them.

At the risk of repeating myself, LOLOL



Not only are these clowns criminals, they are criminally stupid:

Santos and Marks allegedly conducted much of the scheme over text and email, messaging each other the names and amounts that relatives would be marked as contributing, with Santos complaining at one point to Marks that he was “lost and desperate.”

Stringer Bell continues to be relevant even 20 years later…


“Per a copy of the plea agreement, Marks has not agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.” - isn’t that normally part of a plea agreement when there are still higher-ups to be convicted?


The twisted logic of the narcissist and conman with a grain of truth as his own agency (never mind responsibility) is denied: even if I cheated you should have stopped me.


“I’m going to cooperate with prosecutors. I just haven’t ‘agreed’ to cooperate with them… yet.”



Not necessarily. You can just plead guilty to the charges and hope you get lucky in the sentencing.

Why much smarter criminals agree to cooperate is because they want to avoid additional, and usually more serious, charges prosecutors have cooking in the background. Marks is going to regret not having done so here.


Of course Santos/Devolder is an honored member of the House republicans and will not be booted outta the House cuz reasons


However, a source close to Santos who requested anonymity due to the ongoing investigation, suggested it was Marks, the campaign treasurer who bore responsibility for any impropriety. The comments seem to hint at Santos’ potential defenses as he confronts the mounting legal drama.

“There’s responsibilities to being the official fiduciary of a campaign, one being you make sure your principal isn’t doing shady stuff around money and also yourself are not doing shady stuff around money,” the source close to Santos said. “That’s why it’s her name that goes in the ‘Treasurer’ slot of the FEC filings. Only two names are ever at the top on those. One is the candidate, the other is the treasurer. That puts the onus around her for anything related to finance.”

How much you wanna make a bet that the “source” is this asshole, Vish Burra?


To be “fair,” her crimes sorta make her look to be not all that sharp. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


How many would buy a broken down nonrunning Yugo wreck if trump said it was a lovingly hand made Maserati?


You only need a minimal amount of brain cells to hire and listen to competent counsel. That many Republicans can’t even do that shows how far they’ve fallen.


Hey, maybe HE would make a good next Speaker of the House!!! :smiley:


“It’s all your fault for trusting someone like me!”. Which appears to also be Trump’s defense in the Trump org. fraud case.


I’ve said it before. Lies and dishonesty are part of the DNA of every politician no matter the party. Some are smoother liars, some lie only rarely but every pol leaves the real truth outside the door. Even those folk we admire and vote for. My dad, decades ago, said that the politician who tells the truth has a very short career.

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To be fair, with so many competent counsel having already been burned by Repuglicans, maybe they’re simply starting to run out? :thinking: