Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is unashamed of coordinating the details of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial with… President Donald Trump.
This discussion is not complete without mentioning Rep Val Demings’ excellent point–which Dems should take to court, not in the hope of victory but in order to publicize that the GOP fix is in.
McConnell has guaranteed that there will be no Republican votes against Trump. Oaths are meaningless. McConnell could care less about democracy and is a tool of the Trump crime family.
“I think the guys who wear their microphones in their top pockets and who are suppose to be “The Deliberative Body” are going to be in for a big surprise.I’ve said this the other day ,now that the American public will be watching .”
I’m not eager to cloud the issue, but here is a novel theory that seems consistent with what we know about McConnell generally:
ETA: It occurs to me now to mention that I have no idea who “Kimberbee64” is. I found this ^^ while digging through Twitter re: McConnell’s statement. In case that’s relevant.
I believe McConnell was an active co-conspirator, not just after the fact.
Just like in business the take overs and consolidation of symbiotic organizations in politics is where we are now.
THIS, from former Rep. Barney Frank, in an interview published on HuffPost:
"Frank, who served in Congress from 1981 to 2013, said many Republican senators are in a tough spot, trying to both be renominated and also to win in next year’s election.
‘You have a number of Republican senators […] who are very much in that bind,’ he said. 'And I will tell you I have a slogan that I am suggesting to the Democratic candidates for the Senate all over the country: ‘You don’t have to live in Kentucky to vote against Mitch McConnell.'
McConnell won’t be able to be majority leader if Republican senators from around the U.S. aren’t reelected, Frank pointed out."
Go ahead and “coordinate” with Trump and see how that works out for you, fuckface. You’ll end up as fucked as an unpaid central Jersey drywall supplier.
McConnell’s impeachment collusion admission handed the Democrats a powerful new weapon to damage the president:
-Mitch McConnell’s admission on Fox News that he is working behind the scenes with the White House to stack the Senate impeachment trial gives Democrats a potent weapon against the GOP, wrote Greg Sargent and Paul Waldman in the Washington Post .
Sanctioned Russian Oligarch’s Company to Invest Millions in New Aluminum Plant in Mitch McConnell’s State
Rusal, the aluminum company partially owned by Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, announced plans to invest around $200 million to build a new aluminum plant in Kentucky just months after the Trump administration removed it from the U.S. sanctions list.
The new aluminum plant, slated to be built in the home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will be the biggest new aluminum plant constructed in the U.S. in decades. Rusal will have a 40 percent stake in the facility.
I’ve been dying to see McConnell defeated in an election, but Dems have no strong candidates. Anyone paying attention to Amy McGrath’s campaign knows that she’s an unmitigated disaster and she’s doing a terrible job because she’s been making too many mistakes. The miners in her Coal Miner Black Lung ad actually demanded her to stop showing the ad because they felt misled by her intentions.
McConnell will crush McGrath in the campaign and McGrath is making things easier for him. My preferred candidate was Matt Jones, but he declined to run despite having every incentive along with State Minority leader Rocky Adkins. The only other candidate that looks promising is the new State Rep Charles Booker and he’s doing a good job of understanding the issues Kentuckians care about, but I’m worried he’ll be seen as too left-wing for the state since he supports the Green New Deal.
The one piece of good news is that New Gov Beshear can put more voters on the rolls by giving some ex felons the right to vote again.
There have been no repercussions to these blatant power abuses by Mitch.
Not from the Senate when he shirked his duty to have a hearing for SCOTUS nominee, Garland.
Not while he shirks his responsibility for bringing House bills up for debate.
And there won’t be any blowback (except for the hot air from those whining about on the Hill and in the media) as he nakedly rigs the Sen impeachment trial in favor of the accused.
No one in Senate has challenged the constitutionality of Mitch’s actions. Is there even a formal process for this? (yeah, elections)
I hope the DNC has a viable plan for winning the Senate. I hope it’s not just lip service but that they put their money where their mouth is.