S’ok TGOET… you’re our attractive parody master and we love your magnetic typing.
A guy I know has a sister-in-law that died of COVID. She was suffering from cancer, but seemingly keeping it at bay via various treatment approaches. Once she contracted COVID it was all too much for her system. His brother informed him the official cause of death was COVID. Now he’s all incensed and conspiracy addled, saying everyone knew the cancer killed her, and the hospital wanted COVID on the death certificate for some nefarious reason I can make no sense of.
I swear were I 20 years younger moving to Canada would be a no-brainer. This nation is sliding into insanity, and I see no stopping it.
He also has every right to be indicted for what they “discussed,” and then acted upon.
It’s called “conspiracy.” And the evidence is clear. The two witnesses were the top two DOJ officials at the time. And they’re talking. Under oath.
Well that’s a fine skill…5G … hope you can control the volume at bed time. I find my phone chirps at me when I get close.
A relative claimed this last weekend. I wanted to ask her why the medical staff doesn’t just let those folks die. It would be a lot easier than the care required in ICU…
If your molars play Etta James at low volume it’s not so bad.
I’m thinking there’s not a daily flood of crazy coming from the White House and that there’s less news on a daily basis.
No problem. DeSantis can just threaten to defund any hurricanes that threaten Florida.
“ Aside from wounded pride, Russia’s accusations of rigged Olympics serve another important political agenda: nurturing the narrative of fortress under siege to promote national unity.”
if i wanted TWITTER i would subscribe to it…these short lilttle blurbs of’NEWS’ aren’t worth the time it takes to read them.
Or maybe just set some respirators up in those self service car washes. Just intubate and feed that sucker quarters.
They don’t know how co-morbidities work.
August is traditionally slow in news, I guess in part because so many people take vacations. But it hasn’t seemed slow lately–maybe the staff folks here are taking vacations themselves.
TPM writers should get off their asses and away from the ‘net’…there is a big country out there…it doesn’t stop at NY…I’m getting really bored with this site…the comments are more meaningful than the what the writers put up.
You are probably right. As long as the current pace is a function of choice, rather than necessity, I am fine with it.
lol, i live in FLORIDA, currently reading’ forget the alamo’ … IMO, the two states are equal in their deprvity…[in the book, i love the Daughters of the Republic]…/do they still run Texas?
Alla them chips had to go into the covid vaccines so we can be tracked ya knows.
- Cheering the court’s decision, Abbott’s office said of the Democrats, “It’s time to stop the charades and get back to work doing the job they were elected to do.”
The democrats were most certainly not elected to deny the right to vote or make voting harder.
Freedom for me, not for thee. Right, Abbott?