During a particularly revealing interview with a local news outlet over the weekend, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) not only announced that he intends to sue more people (or newspapers, or his mom, or his cow) for defamation, but he admitted his true intention for his multi-million dollar lawsuits.
And… Josh will soon post a message asking us to donate to the TPM legal defense fund for all the heifer and Holstein comments that have run amok on the threads…
I’m not familiar with these instances of malicious slander Nunes is constantly referring to. Personally I’d be happy if he’d cease having sex parties with small children, but that’s just me.
“Every man and woman has a right to his or her name and just because I am an elected official that doesn’t mean that any mainstream media outlet can say whatever they want about me,”
Maybe not anything but close, Devin. Very close. You chose to get yourself elected now you have to live with the consequences. And your cows whose feelings you have hurt so much by repudiating y’alls’ relationships.
Trump had been advocating libel laws similar to the UK’s libel tourism.
“Crooks and brigands from around the world come here to launder their reputations, where they couldn’t get exculpation in either their home country or indeed in the United States of America,” says Mark Stephens, a London lawyer who often represents media companies in these cases.
And I have no doubt that they will be coming after certain, shall we say, snarky participants, as well. Fortunately, I’ve never slandered this man, even though I’ll confess that the mooo’d did occasionally strike me, I guess I was just too much of a cow-herd. In any event, not posting unwarranted bullshit has certainly saved me from a lifetime of litigation.
I really am the cream of the crop here. I mean ask yourself - “Did @playitagainrowlf slander Devin Nunes? Dairy say bad things about that fine upstanding individual? And if not him, why would I want to milk this situation and risk cheesing that guy off?”
Yes, indeed.I’m pretty sure I’m in the clear, I hope the rest of you can get past your beef with this guy and tone things down. The steaks are just too high…