WATCH LIVE: Trump Announces Supreme Court Pick At 5 PM ET

I think it’s a bump that has always been there, it’s just getting more pronounced — make-up, age, etc…

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Tacky, tacky, tacky.

“I am about to gut your rights but I want you to like me anyway. Please realize I realize I am a Mom just like you.”

Anybody believe her claims of impartiality?


She’s talkin’ up her feminist cred there. Good lord that is transparently bad.


Another superspreader event. It would be a shame if one of those kids gave Our Favorite President say, the flu.


I wonder if Trump will favor us with a few more words.

Nope. Stand there like dopes for the photo op and that’s that.

Sure just like we all believed it when Kayleigh Mcnazi said first thing: I will never lie to you.


Someone should ask how old is her youngest, and how has it been being celibate?

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She will be appearing in a campaign ad very soon whether she wants to or not.


Or if they have chickenpox and it set off a nasty case of shingles in a certain someone.

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The nomination itself is a campaign ad.


shingles aren’t fatal, last I heard. You do want to die I know. But I have no desire to mess around here - shingles not good enough.



I cannot believe this reactionary is replacing RBG.


Nobody will ever replace RBG.

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Potential line.of questioning.

  1. How long is Presidential term?

  2. In the last few months of Lincoln’s first term he had an opportunity to appoint a Justice. He declined to do so on the grounds the people should weigh in. He said …

Do you agree or disagree with that?

  1. When President Obama nominated Merrick Garland the Republicans in the Senate refused to consider his nomination. Was that.a sound interpretation of the Constitution?

  2. If Republicans get to block nominations in the last year of a Democratic Presidency and to make nominations in the last year of his own term, doesn’t that give a Republican Presidency a five year term?

  3. Why do you feel that you are justified in accepting this nomination under these circumstances?


Alas, it would appear those decadent New Orleans Catholics haven’t really picked up the banner of charisma. 48 is not much of a showing.

“Mike and Linda Coney, were local leaders of an organization similar to the People of Praise in Amy’s childhood, and they were leaders of the local People of Praise branch from its outset. Sean Connolly, a national spokesman for People of Praise, said the local New Orleans-area chapter was founded in 1987 and now counts 48 adult members.”

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Talk about the minority of a minority of a minority leading the majority around - yea this is going to work. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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And all the while the minority of a minority of a minority will shriek “You’re trying to kill Christianity!” whenever the majority pushes back against raw capitalism shrouded in theocratic clothing.

Religious conservatives are the biggest hypocrites, complaining they’re being oppressed when they’re imposing their beliefs on all of us. We don’t care WTF they do, as long as they don’t try to make us live by their rules. Also, we discourage human sacrifice. It’s cultural appropriation and disrespectful of Aztecs and 1950s B-movies set on seemingly deserted isles.



Well, that may explain why I kept getting a Michelle Bachman/Tulsi Gabbard vibe off her.

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That’s it! Leaning a little more toward Tulsi. Except Tulsi has a pleasant voice, for a demon.

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