Washington NFL Team Dropping ‘Redskins’ Name And Logo Immediately | Talking Points Memo

Cats are great, but crows are wiley.


Don’t be an upstart, crow.

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Based on their fanbase reaction, I would think “The Washington Whaaambulance”…


Which is why the team should become the Washington Greenbacks.

There is already a high school in Kansas that call its teams the Greenbacks. The school has a mascot that is perfect for the swampier-than-ever DC region and also has a prize-winning helmet design. Time for Dan Snyder to get on a plane to Kansas and make a deal.

Covid might prevent Snyder from travelling to make a deal, in which case the likely new name is the Washington Orangeskins, and the swampy mascot is one that should be available after January 2021.


My prediction: The Hogs.
You heard it here first.

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Well, if you’re going there…

The D.C. Comics


As long as it’s specifically that one, I’m happy with it.

The makeup over the mustache was just so perfect.

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Fedex First Nations Field

has a nice ring to it


I know, right? Sports comedy gold.

The most unimpressive happening of the day. Even in the time of a lying traitor in the WH.

After 87 years a racist name is changed because of money. Lordy we have a long way to go.

Cue the classic:


I can’t claim it as my own. It was a comment I saw on another article on the name change. I think it might have been The Washington Post, since the owner has said repeatedly that he’d “never” change the name.

I also like it as a general assessment. It applies to many personal situations in life as well.

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Yeah, who knew the Confederacy and all it’s demented offspring would end up changing the definition of the word ‘heritage’?

The Orange Gasbag: “I won’t go to another one of their games!!!”

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The Washington Insiders

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@jinnj What does Trump know about football? (Don’t say, “USFL”, which sorta fell on its ass and which he didn’t manage anyway.)

Not compared to coyotes. :smirk:

Like everything else - he knows next to zero … but that will not stop him from babbling on about it -
Trump is always one of those - “not always right - but never in doubt” kind of assholes

Beyond his hideous USFL mess … he has attempted to buy an NFL franchise - the Buffalo Bills in 2014 …
and … according to Michael Cohen - Trump “inflated his net worth to the tune of $4 billion while bidding to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014.”

I agree and think personal introspection and empathy are core differences between a normal human and… say… a Trump-supporting sociopath.

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How soon I forget about that debacle.

I assume the NFL does reasonable due diligence about the financial backing of prospective owners? (EG., will the Russian mob back his IOUs?) Remember that most of the money from an NFL franchise is about the television rights. (Not as much so as, say, MLB, where most teams lose money but are there for the media opportunities. Ted Turner never made a dime from the Braves but he used it to provide content for his network, which yielded him many, many dimes. And the Rangers gave A-Rod his first insanely huge contract because the owners also owned a cable network and needed to get subscribers for it.

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