Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) pleaded with her fellow Democratic candidates and the CNN hosts to stay focused on the broad strokes of the health care debate: Democrats want to expand it, while the GOP wants to take it away.
So I take it that Jake Tapper doesn’t want his taxes raised, because he is, of course, a typical hard-working middle class worker struggled to get by…
I hate it when millionaire journalists lead with classic GOP talking points–especially after being serially abused by Repubs. They either suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, are dumber than mud, or still fear the GOP. I can haz all three?
The purpose of the Democratic primary debates is not to show how Democrats are different from Republicans. That is the point of the debates held during the general.
The purpose of the primary debates is to select a candidate for the general, which requires understanding the differences between the candidates. Thus, it is necessary and proper to talk about the subtle differences between Medicare for All vs a Public Option, if those are the choices that are being presented to us in the form of different Dem candidates.
People who know how campaigning works tell us candidates campaign from the far left, at least our candidates do, and when they win they govern from the middle. You gotta get their attention any way you can. But evidently Warren and Sanders are in a tie for how much time each one has spoken with Williamson left in the dust, thank you political goddess. .
I’ll confess to having had a soft spot for Sanders ever since he came to talk at my college in the early 80’s as the newly-elected Socialist mayor of Burlington, VT, and I was assigned by the college paper to cover it. I agree with both of them, if anything Warren more than Sanders, but I just like Sanders’ direct, no-bullshit, no apologies, no begging style. I also think it sells better with undecideds.
He is also a very popular senator though I can’t tell who it was, voters or other senators or someone else, who decided on that. He’s second only to Angus King of ME
The format of these debates makes it impossible for anyone to demonstrate how they’re different from Rs. There are still people on the debate who shouldn’t even be there (Hickenlooper, Williamson to name two) who take time away from the serious contenders.
I wasn’t there, but I’m told during the Lincoln-Douglas debates each one spoke for a full hour, then the other had an hour to rebut and they had days and days of debate in front of huge audiences.
No, she did not make sense. She did not deal with the fact that most people are not going to want to lose the coverage they have now and she is not dealing with the costs of all this.
I liked Warren and Bernie’s fire tonight, and they were both quite serious, but I thought Bernie’s timing and concrete points bettered Warren’s attempts at longer points. Wish Warren had been able to keep her statements more succint. And I didn’t like Williamson’s aire of condescension, at least what I feel was condescension, and I would hope in the future she kep’t it really succint.
What is an R talking point? The Republicans are going to say medicare for all does away with private insurance, because it does do away with private insurance. That is not a talking point, it is reality.