Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Friday that while she thinks she “would have made a better president” than Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) or former Vice President Joe Biden, her campaign came at the “wrong moment in time.”
Good for her. The rightwingnuts would use anything she says against the other one if the one she backs loses the nomination. They will, anyway, but no need for her to hand them more ammunition.
The two old white guys will have to duke it out and then she will get behind whichever one is nominated to take down Trump.
I don’t think it’s fair to demand more of her at this time.
Biden, Bernie, Warren, Buttigieg and even Bloomberg would make way more better president than the Criminal IMPeetus.
That said , IMHO, Biden’s resurgence to front runner was the comfortable choice amidst fear of another 4 more years of cruelty, corruption and criminality. One can only hope that great ideas by other presidential nominees will be adopted by either Biden or Bernie.
Remember in November…
VoteBlue No Matter Who #DumpTrump
Even if we’d improved some other things, I don’t think it would have changed the outcome,” she said.
I call BS.
if you leaned a little more towards the moderates, the middle of the road voters your numbers would have been better. It seemed you were showing a “grudge” and they were suppose to pay for and fix everything.
That would be like walking up on a bull and kicking him in the balls and think he might not crush you into the ground.
Anyway, maybe next time.
Sounds about right. I could see her saying, at some point, that she supports a series of ideas and it’s a matter of not just who aligns best with her agenda but who would be in a better position to make some progress toward those goals.
I think she would not presume to tell her voters who they should vote for. From my own anecdotal evidence, myself and my friends being her key demographic, a majority dislike Sanders and will settle for Biden.
I also think if Biden does not choose Warren for VP, he should adopt at least one of her plans–the Childcare one perhaps. He should also probably try to incorporate some of Sanders’ ideas (on a less grand scale).
I happen to agree with her, but I’m not sure what the value is in saying this now. Dems need to come together to defeat tRump, not undermine each other.
She is, in fact, being modest. She would have made a far better president than any of the candidates. And she is before her time – if, indeed, her time ever comes, by which I mean, if America will ever advance to the point where it can see the value of someone like her. As it is, America, broadly speaking, does not see her, does not appreciate her, and does not deserve her. That last bit might sound snooty, but you know it is right.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Friday that while she thinks she “would have made a better president” than Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) or former Vice President Joe Biden, her campaign came at the “wrong moment in time.”
So do I, but only if you could get elected. And I’m afraid you wouldn’t so I went for smoky Joe. But I’d love for you to help him as much as you can and he’ll let you.