Walker Admits Abortion Check Is His, But Insists He Doesn’t Know What It Was For

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1436032

At this point I think it no longer matters. As articles on TPM and other news outlets have shown, the battle lines have been drawn and people are firmly settled in their respective camps. No one who would have voted for Mr. Walker last week is going to change their vote based on proof of his latest lie. Honestly, with the possible exception of concrete proof of Mr. Walker committing a homicide, I can’t imagine any transgression that would change the minds of his supporters.


Cringe-inducing and painful to watch…


She won’t do it (I don’t blame her), but she’s going to have to reveal herself.

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The soft middle % matters.

Either they’re going to vote for Oliver or they’ll vote for the other two. If Warnock can get the middle, he’ll avoid a runoff.


If they’re truly against abortion in every case, then they think he has been complicit in homicide. Like with TFG, the key is the whole “God using an imperfect vessel” BS. Once you’ve taken that tack, not even devouring infants while fornicating for Satan disqualifies a candidate. Except for Democrats, of course.


Herschel would be better off remaining in the “private sector.”


Walker has also softened his professed hardline stance on abortion restrictions amid the scandal, saying during a debate with incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on Friday that he now supports rape/incest exceptions for anti-abortion laws.

Has anyone in Walker’s camp explained what “rape” and “incest” mean to Herschel?
You all know IANAL but have any of these staunch abortion deniers thought through the long term process of what this means to force a woman to carry a baby to term if she has been raped?
Ok so in some states they allow a woman to get an abortion, but she has to file a police report. So is that it? Or does the woman have to wait for the police to conduct an investigation, and possibly apprehend a suspect? How many weeks until she can finally get an abortion?
Second if she is forced to carry this pregnancy to term can the rapist claim parental rights?


I guess it would depend if it were in the middle of Main Street or not.


The GOP nominee also insisted that the woman’s account was “still a lie” because “she’s the mother of my child” and therefore it would be normal for her to receive checks from him.

I know close reading is a method one shouldn’t apply to political speech, but she wasn’t the mother of your child at that time so how can that reasoning possibly apply?


Hershel needs help Trump-splaning.

… you know, Kristen, a lot of checks get forged.


Let’s hope all the Democratic candidates can be the recipient of as many protectors of Democracy (Democratic voters) as humanly possible.

Throughout the Debacle that is the Trump Era, vastly more time and effort has been spent in describing and lamenting the existence, power, audaciousness, number, and obstinance of Trump/GOP voters.

Barely a lick of attention to Democratic voters…what makes them tick…the nature of the coalition…the types of constituencies.


Well, that’s a Republican for ya. Writes $700 checks without knowing what they’re for or anything.


Isn’t that the kind of Senator everyone wants? One who signs checks and doesn’t ask what the hell it’s for?


Ok, you said it better.


Exactly! And I’m getting very tired of it. East coastal reporters from the big news outlets gladly squeeze into their designer jeans and checked flannel shirts to trek boldly out to deepest Angrywhitemanistan’s diners to raptly record every word from the trumpy layabouts who hang around all day there. This is “political reality”!

Meanwhile, the Democrat got overwhelmingly the most votes, over 7 million more in the last presidential, from … who? Who knows? Who cares? Even NPR and PBS tend to lavish their coverage on the rightwing extremists, ignoring the majority of the country.

This further breeds extremism on the right. Not what any sane person should want.


When $$$$$$$$$$ (for the short term) overpowers respect and stewardship of our fragile Democracy, in my opinion vastly more responsibility lies at the feet of people WHO KNOW BETTER ,



The private prison sector?


Nah, this is nothing more than the Eddie Murphy playbook for when you get caught…

In fact, he doesn’t even know her!..
But that $700 check she’s provided with his signature on it is fake!..
But he doesn’t know what it was for!..

Unfortunately for Mr. Walker, that was a comedy routine about adultery and this is reality about, well, adultery…


The whiplash pains the brain.

Walker has also softened his professed hardline stance on abortion restrictions amid the scandal, saying during a debate with incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) on Friday that he now supports rape/incest exceptions for anti-abortion laws.

The change in stance came out of nowhere. Walker has always been a no-exceptions guy until now. Maybe the person working on his campaign who does his thinking for him has read trends in how the public views abortion rights. The message “death to mothers” does not present a cogent campaign strategy.