the President continuing to deliver on his promises to the American people
I’m guilty of willfully reading only “the negative news coverage of this administration,” so I would benefit from a list of the promises made and the corresponding successes achieved.
Excellent list. It makes me think it’s time for this old commercial to become the focal point of TrumpPence2020. Could anything more succinctly describe the Toadglans philosophy?
Yesterday, the United States imposed 15% tariffs on a variety of Chinese goods (including footwear, smart watches, flat-panel TVs). Beijing’s responded with 5% tariff on U.S. crude. OPEC oil output up first time this year due to high supply from Iran and Nigeria despite US sanctions on Iran. US energy companies cut drilling rigs for a ninth month in a row to the lowest level since January last year.
“Enjoy the low gas prices over the Labor Day weekend!” - Trump citing “my energy policies” from Poland, er, his golf course.
How perfectly appropriate! “Wake us when it’s over!”
Very Trumpian. Very Republican. Let’s trash democracy and when our lack of decency, humanity, and impulse control becomes clear to everyone, when we celebrate our deliberate cruelty towards other people, let’s whine and moan about how difficult it is to work for Fearless “Leader”. But let’s take the money while we operate in complete fear. What great things they are doing for America! They must be so overwhelmed by that ‘steady stream of successes’
…the White House offered a glowing review of the President’s summer victories, ranging from his meeting with North Korean regime leader Kim Jong Un to his Independence Day parade.“
If glowing they mean he got a stupid photo-op of him posing with yet another dictator he sends love letters to, and having two tanks at taxpayer expense brought to a speech in which no one showed up except the paid audience in the rain, then yeah, success!
No one forces them to work for Trump. There is no doubt in my mind that he exhausts those around him, but working for him is a choice. Those delusional saps who mimic his language wrt getting things done, deserve him. I feel nothing for anyone who is miserable, the wake me when it’s over crowd. Resign if it is that bad
Yes, please kvetch on Labor Day. We’re living in the New Golden Age of Victimhood: White privileged men, White male pundits, White billionaires, White guys who are just “flirting” at work, White gun owners, White male virgins; I’m sure I’m missing quite a few.
This is why Trump needs to fight like hell to win in 2020, as I see it.
His staff despises him. They’re only there to be proximate to power and feel the surge of pride and self-importance that comes with that. If they think they’re burnishing their credentials, I believe they’re sorely mistaken.
The Republican leadership despises him also and has no trust in him. But while he has power, they get their judges and tax cuts.
So the relationship is purely transactional with regards to everyone in Trump’s orbit, possibly including his own family. And Trump surely realizes somewhere in the deepest most recesses of his reptilian brain, that’s what the score is. If he loses, he’ll be abandoned faster than yesterday’s tuna, potentially opening himself up to numerous criminal charges and jail time with nary a supporter, because the Republican Party will have moved on -and I kid you not -calling him a “Democrat” or “Liberal” in the process.