Voting Rights Advocates Raise Alarm About Curtailed In-Person Voting Options

ATLANTA (AP) — Scrambling to address voting concerns during a pandemic, election officials across the country are eliminating polling places or scaling back opportunities for people to cast ballots in person — a move raising concerns among voting rights groups and some Democrats who say some voters could be disenfranchised.

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The only thing that will stop me voting in November is my own death.

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From the article: “Last week, Democrats sued Nevada’s top election official, a Republican, for limiting each county to a single polling location during the state’s June 9 primary, alleging that will channel 87% of the state’s voters into only two locations.”

Why is this “alleging”? Isn’t it a simple fact that the two largest counties have 87% of the population of Nevada?

Dear Associated Press, please do your job. Don’t just report what both sides say and call it an allegation. Check the facts, give context.

There’s like 20,000 Democrats in Wyoming, if they can’t handle that number by mail vote, they need to leave office!

Also, sometimes mail in voting is mail in too soon voting. And not every election is for President, there are lots of races that takes time to figure out, judges, State Propositions etc, sure, if local news were anything other than useless except for weather reporting maybe that wouldn’t be the case.

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Geo Soros is giving some big bucks to the Dems. I hope a big part of it goes to GOTV and registration and fighting this vote suppression. The GOP will go full throttle for Nov, not just to save Trump, but for their own wretched selves.

ETA: I have this nightmare of vote suppression sufficient to swing the Nov election to Trump.

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