Voting Rights Advocates Are Preparing To Protect Against Voter Intimidation At Polls | Talking Points Memo

My polling place is in a church. Heavy D precinct. A few Repubs, sure, but overwhelmingly minority and Democrat, otherwise… Always been that way in this part of town. School across the street, and 2 blocks to our library, but the polling place has always been in this church. It’s a growing megachurch, btw. I hate it, and all their sheep. Cars for blocks all arounf on Sundays. They think they own this 'hood.





It’s like being in an abusive relationship, once the abuser is gone they’d rather be single for awhile. :slight_smile:


My polling place is in a well thought of Greek Orthodox Church’s social hall. I can see it across a busy street and vacant lot if I stand at the end of my driveway. I’ll be able to tell if there’s a long line of voters. This neighborhood is a polyglot of cultures but the majority is Hispanic, Whitebread being second.

11/3 evening will be “must see TV” time.


I have voted in the same place for 40 years (unless it’s a mail in ballot) and I have never once seen a cop near by this polling place. Nor have there been extremist gun toting idjets around my polling place either. And I’m in Tucson btw. Our county sheriff is a democrat. The area is actually more centrist (by most standards) than leftist which for Red Arizona means we’re the far fringe lefties. We aren’t. How else would republican Martha McSally get sent to the House? She was voted out after her term by a narrow margin by Ann Kirkpatrick but having made her name in DC she got picked to fill McCain’s seat until our special election that coincides with 11/3/20. Mark Kelly likely will win and fill out the last two years of McCain’s term. McSally in her House run cast herself as a “centrist” but much like Lindsey Graham she follows whatever is to her advantage and that presently is kissing trump’s ass whenever he asks.
I said all that to say Tucson is not a democrat given.


Here in Wisconsin a couple of years ago, one of our local polling places engendered a great deal of controversy as a Right to Life display of thousands of crosses in the front yard as well as a large sign by the door. Complaints were made that it amounted to voter intimidation. The crosses were more than 100 feet from the entrance, so they were allowed to remain. The anti-abortion sign in the church was clearly in violation of election laws and they were told to remove it. The pastor refused, citing freedom of speech.

However, they were told when a church becomes a polling place, it becomes a public entity. They have to follow election laws. The police were sent to tell them, again, to remove the sign. When they refused, the police did as instructed and removed the sign.

Needless to say, their status as a polling place for 3 precincts was revoked.

As far as churches versus schools, for years schools were polling places far more than churches as the ADA compliance was there. When school safety became more of an issue, they increased the use of churches


They know how badly they have fucked everything up, so they will happily let Democrats do the hardwork of getting things back in order while they do everything in their power to kneecap the efforts and whine about Democrats not fixing things faster.


Add that to the list of many good arguments for every state to move to 100% vote-by-mail, like we’ve done for years here in WA and other states. Including optional drop boxes and online confirmation that your ballot has been received.

No potential for voter intimidation or subtle psychological effects like this. With the lead time, it’s also immune to last-second surprises, because your vote can be in way before election day.


No argument from me there.


DeJoy will be on the long list of Trump toddies who have some questions to answer and some trouble to deal with. He thinks he is all powerful. Can’t wait to see his comeuppance.


Off topic but pertinent to the election. Ck out this site. Be sure to click the link that says “Learn More”.


Expected that.


There is nothing needless to say about it, I’m shocked that they revoked the church as a polling place.


Something to send to your crazed “Q” friends and family. Absolutely watch it.


“Expected that.”
As the Late and great and may she rest in peace Aretha Franklin would have said to the senator.

" Murkowski announces she will vote yes to confirm Amy Coney Barrett"

“Who’s zoomin who ?”

I guess Susan Collins will fall in line next.


Gun rights activists say fears of violence at the polls are unfounded and stoked by a leftist agenda.

“This sounds like a lot of fear-mongering by gun haters. They are always predicting that violence is going to break out. But like Chicken Little, they are always wrong,” said Erich Pratt, senior vice president at Gun Owners of America.

So Erich if something does happen then how will you address or deflect the reason why it happened?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a polling place in church, no wait there’s one, but it’s new, As for polling place in the school I don’t remember them when I was in grade school. The earliest memory I have of voting is when my mother took my sister and me along while she voted at the fire station. After that election (s) they built the community center which where I have always voted.
After all the school shootings the school district spent a lot of money to tighten security at our schools. So the precinct next to mine used use my grade, it must have been added because of an increase in population. So they moved to the Senior living facility half a block down the street, But then COVID, and they moved back to the school for a couple of local issue election stuff and primaries. The schools were close to students and teachers then,
So to sum up I’m voting in person at the community center where I have always voted, with the only change is that we’re down on the ground floor instead of the 2nd. I don’t know how they’re going to handle voting at the grade schools since the students just start in school learning last week. And I’m glad that I live in the precinct that never has moved, consistency is good, and the community center has way more parking than any other polling place.


Sex, skin color, and accent.


Let’s increase the Democratic advantage in the House by a dozen seats. And say goodbye to Kevin McCarthy as minority leader.

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