Vance And Walz Will Face Off In VP Debate—Likely The Last Major National Campaign Event Before Election

Like it was written about Vance…

Vance is on an anti-intellectual trajectory whose ultimate end point is Pol Pot.


They should just have Alexa ask them questions.


It’s going to be a Gish-Galloping shitshow.


Media Law No. 1: Every question asked of a Democrat must be stated in the form of a Republican talking point.


This is terrifying.


Maybe they are acting as seconds. They will fire if one of the duelists runs away. They have abandoned their journalistic responsiblity at the direction of their producer who want’s the lies to continue and if possible for Vance to win.

Personally I hold out little hope that Walz will win. The spin room will be filled with elite college alums who will trash Walz, who attended a state teachers college, out of habit.

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Fascist collaborators?


Partly–if not mainly–because Lloyd Bentsen blew his line. It was supposed to add the bolded bit below.


If it seems that folks agree Walz won, FatElvis is gonna wanna debate, if only to show that he’s the GOAT of presidential debating.

And it gives Kamala another chance to get his goat over and over and over again.


Yeah, I’m a little nervous. Hoping Gov Walz does well but fear what the lying liar will get away with. Agree with who said we should call them hosts since they won’t actually be moderating anyone. I’m counting on Vance being socially awkward and, well, weird, opening a chance for Walz to slam dunk junior varsity JD to the mat. (Oh some such sports ball mixed metaphor.) Harris/Walz 2024! I was raised in MN and have lots of family there (several are Trump cultists) so have skin in the game. Note to self: Wow, two in one comment. Is that like a hole in one?


Between Walz, the two CBS hosterators, and the camera and sound crew, this may turn out to be the largest in-person audience at a Vance speaking event for the entire campaign!


Here’s the thing: Vance won’t be President if Trump wins.

I’m not at all convinced that that’s Thiel’s plan.


We’re going to move beyond calling Harris a moron, effectively claiming that he (and he alone) was coordinating the entire national disaster response to the recent hurricane and portraying Joe Biden as so self-serving and physically decrepit that he catches up on sleep while southern states are pummeled and inundated by that storm?
It’s a hard challenge to rise to, even with unhinged rants punctuated by flecks of foam flying from his mouth.

Looking for an experts opinion

@becca656 care to chime in?


Call it what you want: the New Right, paleo-conservatism, the alt-right.

The collection of views that fall under this ever-shifting rubric might be familiar to a political observer from the 1930’s: isolationist foreign policy, a nativist, anti-immigrant outlook, calls for government intervention in the economy to fight off foreign economic competition, all framed in the language of an existential crisis.

I’m gonna call him a fascist.

Because that’s what he is.

ETA: How about “Heilbilly”?


It’s easy to prep the line but when the lights are on so is the pressure.

Biden helped Obama calm the waters in 2012 during his VP debate. I can’t see the debate tonight move the needle at all.


“We have well developed views on public policy so we don’t have to prepare that much,” Vance said Wednesday. “We feel a lot more confident and frankly, you don’t have to prepare if you don’t have to hide what you say.”

I a pretty familiar with his public policy views and frankly they are very close to the views of a lot of disgruntled men in the 1990s who used to prattle on and on about how no fault divorce was ruining the nation. Usually they were men who believed they really loved their wives who they beat regularly and couldn’t understand why they left with the kids. Damn that judge for ordering them to pay child support while limiting their visitation. A man has to live don’t you know. A woman has no place in the world outside the home–his home. She shouldn’t even be allowed to vote, have a credit card or live on her own. Modern life has screwed the world up. If he cheated she still had no right to leave, wasn’t it in the bible that the man is always large and in charge.



The Trump kind is spelled “Fatshitz”