No … gravity is love because it makes the World go 'round.
now you stop
The story has been rattling Trumps teeth non stop for 2 days as he lashes out at anyone who dares to tell the truth about him. He is fighting a losing battle but it is fun watching him grasping for the out he so desperately needs and getting nothing.
Well then, I’ll log off…
By not opening colleges back up this soon. They should have waited. Nobody likes waiting so we act like a bunch of 3 year olds.
Lake Travis is infamous for the problems people create with boat wakes.
That, the Trumpkins’ lack of brain power, and a windy day made Dumbkerque a foregone conclusion.
I think you’re stretching the circumference a bit with that one.
Stay on the arc.
So, this Trump tool was in the Reserve and never saw combat. Also there is this:
Wilkie said Confederate President Jefferson Davis was a “martyr to 'The Lost Cause and an “exceptional man in an exceptional age” in a 1995 speech at the US Capitol. Wilkie also spoke about Robert E. Lee to the Sons of Confederate Veterans at a pro-Confederate event in 2009. He also called abolitionists who opposed slavery “radical”, “mendacious”, and “enemies of liberty”, and stated that the Confederate “cause was honorable.” Wilkie is a former member of the SCV.” (Wiki)
On an intellectual level I understand the necessity - but I still resent it.
And then MoscowMitch stepped up to the plate.
I hope by November 4th…but DEFINITELY by Jan 20th
Late to the party! This Wilkie looks like a spoiled brat who opened all his presents and said, "That’s it?" And I love these clowns who think they’re smart enough to lie without technically saying anything that isn’t factually true. “That’s not the Donald Trump I know” is the same as saying the neighbor accused of mass murder was “quiet and kept to himself.” It’s just not relevant to anything. He lied 130 times? Semantics. Again, that’s a way for a person of limited but impressive-to-himself intelligence to weasel out of the argument. In summary and in conclusion, fuck this guy.
Our long national whack-a-mole may be coming to an end. One can hope.
Strange that these people don’t realize that in coming to the defense of Trump’s credibility, they as much as shout to the world “Don’t ever believe a word I say again!”
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
And this fool does not know the meaning of “semantics”.
A Yugo for a Ferrari job.
They are claiming the tree never fell at all.
I do hate McConnell, and at first I hated him more than Trump. Pence I despise. Barr I hate.
I hate feeling so much hatred.