VA AG To Investigate Police Pepper Spraying A Black Army Medic During Traffic Stop

That’s a given. And like always, there will be a substantial settlement.

The fact that the kid resisted a perfectly lawful arrest by jumping back into the car and flailing around is enough for me to conclude that tasing him would have been justified. But the defense is not going to be that her actual use of force was justified.


As evidenced with the Jacob Blake incident in Kenosha. He was tasered multiple times, fought his way back up from the ground as officers attempted to handcuff him. Dropped his knife, picked it back up, ignored the cops, went around the car and bent down towards the floor under the front seat.

Unfortunately, since KPD did not have body cams (they are on order now and had already been budgeted at the time of the incident), the only clip that is shared with the public is him walking away and bending over inside his car door.

There is other video that shows the first part, starting with the fight on the ground. The police/dispatch conversation includes the calling out of the taser being repeatedly deployed to no effect.

So “taser, taser, taser”, he fights them off and tries to get away - while armed with a knife - and was shot by police. Difference here was that the gunshots were intentional after the taser failed repeatedly.

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I can see them at least trying for that.

Just like the defense in the Floyd case today will rely on his drug use history, even though the defense has been discredited. Won’t stop them from using it.

All SUV rear windows are tinted at the factory.


Nope. The police chief didn’t make any attempt to say the shooting was justified. The only argument is that it was a mistake of fact, not entirely dissimilar from when Amber Guyger shot Botham Jean because she thought it was her apartment. Substitute gun for apartment, and take away the intent to kill.


She also has killed before in 2019. Is Police Union President in Brooklyn Park also a trainer & 26 year veteran?

Yet! She didn’t see in Broad daylight that the Glock in her hand was not the bright yellow taser.

Despite yelling 3x taser! to warn her colleagues & suspect per protocol.

Her spouse is also LEO and she joined force at 22 yo.

Kim Potter. is now claiming not to know her right from left.

ETA: I stand corrected. . Initial media reports were in error. Potter was not involved in shooting. As union rep, she instructed the involved officers as to what to do. Potter, however was not involved in the shooting.


This is incorrect, unless you are advocating for a transitive theory of police shootings. The 2019 event occurred before she arrived on the scene.

If you have any reporting or visual evidence indicating that her actual taser was brightly colored, I would be interested in seeing it. Many police tasers are wholly or mostly black.

Prove it.

ETA: I stand corrected. media reports updated:

Ben Crump


Apr 12, 2021

Replying to @AttorneyCrump

“Kim Potter taught officers who fatally shot Kobe Dimock-Heisler how to protect themselves & obscure accountability: “Potter instructed Officers Turner аnd Akers to exit the residence, get into sepаrаte squаd cаrs, turn off their body worn cаmerаs, аnd to not tаlk to eаch other.”

False. And extremely unhelpful for the folks that spread false statements about things:


Case # 27-CR-21-4400

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They are reacting to the lawsuit that Army Lieutenant Caron Nazario is bringing. That is why we are hearing about this at all.


You’re welcome.

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Given the time distance between when this incident occured and when VA AG got involved it’s not only about money. He’s clearly annoyed that he has to do that. But no choice. Press is involved.

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Do you usually expect the body camera footage of a traffic stop that resulted in the use of pepper spray but no arrest to land on the desk of the Attorney General, like, the next day? This was precisely the type of incident that would ordinarily go absolutely nowhere beyond the local police department, but for the plaintiff’s attorney (i) having his client’s phone video from inside the vehicle, and (ii) requesting, receiving, and releasing the incredibly damning body cam videos.


And sometimes, they’ll kill you outright. Dangerous thing, trying to make a non-lethal weapon. It’s almost like inflicting bodily harm is… harmful!


I believe that Gutierrez was looking for “trouble” with intent to threaten, intimidate & subjugate the driver.

He told the veteran he should be afraid sounds like intent to harm was uppermost in his mind. He followed that up with specific action he intended “you’re gonna ride white lightening tonight”

This is southern racist statement referring to electrocution!

He had to be aware that pulling to lighted area is what police TELL public to do at night for safety. They specifically instruct motorist to slow down put on hazard lights & proceed to lighted area slowly so police know you are not fleeing.

That is exactly what the veteran did.


I suppose in the interest of making policing safe, both for the police and those they interact with, we could make obeying police commands optional. Same for pulling over if police are behind you. Or, maybe still make citizens responsible to obey police, but make it illegal for police to do anything at all to detain and/or restrain you. So you pull to the side of the road, a cop comes up to your window, and at that point you just decide to drive away, you don’t want to be bothered with whatever it is he wants. And he has to let you, because both detain and restrain are optional.

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Yeah, when I said “all this” I was thinking about the wider range of events.

He put on his hazard lights so they could pass if they needed to. Driver’s Ed was a long time ago…they NOW say ‘do not pull over on a dark road’…it could be ANYBODY. The police should be trained.


Or, you know, we continue to empower police with the ability to do bodily harm, but hold them to the standard of requiring judgment in the use of it.

We wouldn’t say ‘oh, well, 1% of pilots experience fatal training failures, we’ll just have to deal with that’. Hold them accountable. Hold the departments accountable. At this point, we’ve got a ridiculous apparatus in place for the surveillance state already… the ones who should be under constant observation and recording—for their own protection as much as anyone else’s—are the agents of that state.

Being someone the state trusts with the power to kill should come with the expectation that you do not get to fuck up on duty. Not in a way that costs lives. Ever.