Utah GOPer Defends His Efforts To Teach Kids To Love Mining | Talking Points Memo

While others harp about the big subjects being neglected by the American education system, like science and math, one Utah Republican has a more particular curricular interest: mineral industry appreciation.Last month, TPM reported the news that Utah state Rep. Jack Draxler (R) is sponsoring a bill to educate elementary school kids about the benefits of the oil and gas industries. “Mineral literacy,” he calls it. Money for the program would come out of a fund currently paid for by the oil industry to reclaim or plug abandoned wells — a fund he says often runs a surplus. Draxler’s bill was approved unanimously two weeks ago by the state House Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Interim Committee, and now moves on to a full state House vote. Yesterday, Draxler took a little time to talk to TPM about his efforts.

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