Usual Cast Of Far-Right Characters Declare ‘WW3,’ ‘Black Swan Event’ Over Bridge Collapse

He’s on the phone right now with John John, who was steering the ship.


To see trust re-instilled into the newsroom-- Cesar Conde should be packing his office into file boxes today.


A Confederacy of Insurrectionists!

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Well it hurts the rest of us, but I think she’s immune to it. Like Typhoid Mary, except she is spreading the stupid.


@edgarant did not “consumate” his “Frist!!” with a cat and is therefore disqualified. @jackofalltirades is therefore declared the winner.


It’s streaming on HBO Max! Guess I know what my new binge watch is going to be.

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Scaramucci didn’t actually start either. The time period starts from the date of announced appointment.


Wanna bet she still gets the paycheck? $300,000.

It’s Moochspan, people, Moochspan. At least according to Josh.

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Ronnabit < Moochspan


what some right-wingers were already spewing online

When you don’t know what you’re talking about (and don’t care to) but feel the need to say a bunch of stuff anyway (and have nothing more productive to do).


grifters gotta grift

Winnah, winnah, yardbird dinnah!!

Sigh. You all need a niñera.

Can we get the names in the group that wanted her?

Coz those tools need to follow her out the door.

It’s hard to imagine a stupider idea, well it isn’t really but, but it certainly shows the limitations shall we say, of the pursuit of imagined “access” to the dissemination of information in this country.

She’s the underside of the Romney rock, an ugly and grandiose rock to be sure, whether she crawls back under or not remains to be seen, chances are the lure of filthy lucre wins out, but I hope the media has enough people who have learned some things: management has got to pull their heads out of the greed trough before the ship hits another bridge.


Could somebody take the microphone away from Margie Taylor Green. Let the investigation proceed. So far it looks like a spectacular accident. Not every event in life is a terrorist attack.

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Sleepy Joe ASLEEP at the wheel AGAIN!!! No ship would DARE hit a bridge if I were President!!!

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It takes a smooth brain to connect a ship ramming a bridge with DEI initiatives. :man_facepalming:

If there is an official Trump edition Bible (and, why not?), it will have fake gold leaf bindings, will cost $5,000 per copy (payable to his “foundation”), and will have is face substituted for that of God in any illustration.

And now…Hannity is accusing Biden of making the bridge collapse ‘all about himself’. As if FOX (and friends) didn’t blame Biden for the bridge 20 minutes after it collapsed.

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