Originally published at: US’s Terrorist Listing Of European Far-Right Group Signals Fears Of Rising Threat—Both Abroad And At Home - TPM – Talking Points Memo
This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It first appeared at The Conversation. The rise of the radical far right in Europe poses a threat not only to the continent but also to Americans at home and abroad. But while the U.S. government tends to be quick to use…
Is there no more MOrning Memo?
No worries, King Leo’s Star Chamber can just declare the terrorist list null and void.
Perhaps there’s a sunset clause?
David said he was taking a long holiday/weekend.
Bit selfish.
The Heritage Foundation should be on a list somewhere as well.
But the guys int he Heritage Found all dress in suits and ties.
I wonder in light of the Unite the Right’s march in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 did the Heritage Foundation ban khaki pants and polo shirts on casual Fridays?
But kept the Tiki Torches for the after work bar-b-que and martini fest.
Thoughts on a President’s new powers, granted by SCOTUS. Say Trump is elected. He feels every single ally, friend, family member and business associate targeted for Federal prosecution is the victim of an unfair witch hunt. The charges are fictions. Defending against a DOJ indictment is expensive. The prospects of acquittal are largely bleak. You end up with a felony conviction on your record, walling off your ability to do many things.
So, Trump just makes it known if the DOJ goes after someone he wants them to leave alone, he’ll pardon them. Pre-trial pardons. And he tells the indicted person he’ll do this for a fee.
“Look, your lawyers will end up charging you a million or more to get you out of this, and you might be convicted despite their best efforts. Give me the millions instead, and you’re off the hook. No conviction on your record. No trial. It all gets shut down today.”
My understanding is this is now legal. Trump could pardon enough people over four years to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars. Either that, or the DOJ just quits investigating and charging people they know will be pardoned before trial. Even if Congress got truly fed up with this there would never be sufficient GOP Senators voting to convict in an impeachment trial.
The antinomian, paranoid style in American politics.
Do people sit and smile in apparent joy while discussing their cremation plans? Seems such a meeting would be a somber, contemplative event.
I always think of Neptune as kind of a watery rather than a fiery guy; but that’s just me.
In France, the groups don’t care which side you’re on. They’re pissed at government and they’ll go after everyone.
Why is the RNC not on the list?
Since Trump took over and planted his people one has to believe the RNC is HQs for all terrorists in our Country.
GOP candidate for NC governor
‘Some folks need killing’: MAGA candidate praises
violence in unhinged church rant - Raw Story
And according to The New Republic’s Greg Sargent, Robinson — whose past statements include Holocaust denial and saying that women shouldn’t have been given the right to vote — came out with more during a June 30 speech in a church in White Lake, North Carolina.
Robinson told the crowd, “Some folks need killing. It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity.”
Sargent notes that those Robinson advocated “killing” included “wicked people” as well as socialists and communists, adding that the North Carolina lieutenant governors has a “long history of wildly radical and unhinged moments.”
He sure doesn’t know much
Trump torches Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 (msn.com)
Of course that means he’s all in. TFG is undoubtedly looking for someone to create his coronation crown.
I feel weird saying this to you - you aren’t being cynical enough. His DOJ would start sham investigations so that TCF can make the pardon for cash offers.