NEW YORK (AP) — New York authorities mobilized to head off a public health disaster Wednesday, with the city’s emergence as the nation’s biggest coronavirus hot spot a warning flare — and perhaps a cautionary tale — for the rest of the country as U.S. deaths from the pandemic topped 1,000.
This is being done to prepare all of us to have them install a microchip in our foreheads or hand for 100% surveillance. These microchips have already been developed for this purpose, as described here in one online article:
This is why the hyped b.s. - to control your every movement from now on and they’ll always know where you are and what you’re doing. Ready for that, folks?
The CIA recession is going to finally convince you to allow the government to rule your life, all of it. That’s what this is, nothing to do with China as this racist comment by steviedee111 rants.
This is rich: Just got my mail, which included a post card from the CDC/Whitehouse blaring from its front in boldface: “PRESIDENT TRUMP’S CORONAVIRUS GUDLINES FOR AMERICA”.
I am truly perplexed by this “document”. I quickly rejected the obvious, in agreement with your assessment of the personal hygiene capabilities. As an object clearly able to provoke outrage, do I put it on the refrigerator door? Or, perhaps more mindful of my mental health, put in an opaque envelope and tuck it some place where it will be discovered in years to come.
I think maybe a corner in the woodshed where I can put it up with a couple of big, fat roofing nails and have the satisfaction of hitting it with a hammer, and still keep it around to annoy myself should the Trump Mob suddenly change their ways