US Allows Pfizer’s Emergency COVID-19 Vaccine | Talking Points Memo

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. gave the final go-ahead Friday to the nation’s first COVID-19 vaccine, marking what could be the beginning of the end of an outbreak that has killed nearly 300,000 Americans.

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I think I’m about the 28th million person in line.

Hope they have some newer magazines in the waiting room.


The 2nd guy speaking at FDA on TV, Dr. Marx, says FDA is not giving “approval” but an “authorization” for the vaccine under the Emergency Authorization process set up by Congress. Interesting choice of words and I’m not sure of the reasons it was said this way. Anyway, it looked a little like a hostage video to me, like tRump was insisting they make this statement, only he probably wanted Dr. Haan, the FDA Commissioner, to give special thanks and credit to tRump for the authorization…and no doubt making sure he understood his job was on the line if he didn’t authorize this when tRump wanted it authorized. Haan, thankfully, did no such thing.


This is only the small beginning. It’s not a silver bullet now or for the next 6 months. Count on it, it’s not going to go smoothly.


OT – Dude, isn’t it kinda early to be in your typical weekend meltdown?

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 9.24.49 AM


And this after Doug Ducey sucked up to Trump all year, and with Trump’s special ringtone of Hail to the Chief on his phone. But it’s too late to vote Ducey out- he’s on his second term so all we can do is recall him.


Next step: a vaccine against trumpism


No need for a vaccine, when a lobotomy will do the trick.


Interesting bit of Pfizer / pharma industry history around this location - the has been a pharma site for over 70 years - it was Upjohn … then Pharmacia & Upjohn … then “Pharmacia” … then became a Pfizer location


Me, too. I ran the tool in the NYT, and out of a 100 in line for the vaccine, I was at 98. Also 238 million Americans ahead of me. I guess it’s going to be 2022 before I get mine.


Then, you’re ahead of me!

Based on your risk profile, we believe you’re in line behind 268.7 million people across the United States.

Even my daughter (30 years my junior) is ahead of me because she lives in Brooklyn.


maybe a Trumpism version of Antabuse ?.. suspect compliance might be an issue …

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It might be better to buy them all a boat.


Do you have a link for that article or tool or whatever that was? I don’t have a subscription but I’d still like to see if I can use it.

ETA; Nevermind. I see kelaine posted it. Geez, I need another cuppa Joe.


Let’s just hope that the immunity it conveys lasts longer than six months. I suspect McConnell will do everything he can to block funding for the vaccine’s distribution which will slow things down even more.

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I was wondering why Meadows was threatening Hahn to do this yesterday instead of the weekend, why it could possibly matter, and for the moment I’ve decided Trump was pitching a fit and it rolled downhill from Meadows to Hahn. Simple as that. Trump thinks that somehow anything he believes makes him look good will magically give him another term. It’s like when some schoolboy gets dumped and he thinks it’s all just a big mistake and she’ll take him back you’ll see. Sad!


Yea about 23 million ahead of me, but in TX only 1.9 million.


Unfortunately, the CDC right now is only saying three months. The time period doesn’t mean much, but that’s how far their trials went so they can’t make any promises.

Oh, and Germany has already built mass vaccination centers in less than a week.


Just make sure you’re not pregnant, lactating, have really bad allergies or are immunocompromised (not sure to what extent and in what way they mean the last one, since I am) according to some of the scientists.


Yes this can prove to be a very expensive process to maintain immunity. Even the flu is good only for about six months. Thank God it is seasonal.

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