Uptick In Far-Right Ideology In Congress Contributed To Record Number Of Anti-Gov’t Extremist Groups In 2023

Hey, this is America, the crazy and bigoted need representation too; there are a lot of 'em /s

More than the right to challenge Government, Freedom of Speech really is mostly about the rights of aholes.

Snark aside, it’s clearly become profitable and so it attracts less scrupulous politicians which naturally includes conservatives practicing a Seagull style of governance: fly in, make a lot of noise, crap the place up, then fly away leaving others to clean up the mess.

You have to wonder why people who claim to hate and not believe in Government and often argue that only bad people work for or in Government want to so badly work for or be in Government. The obvious answer it THE MONEY. That is by being elected or otherwise employed by Government arguing that Government is bad and should not be doing much of what it does, it seems to give them a license to steal. I mean Bush Jr. was little more than a thief and a conman his entire life and while Trump is Trump.

NB: Conspiracy and theocracy do not lend themselves to accurate representations of reality and since some degree of accuracy is necessary to identify real problems and craft appropriate solutions for them, all a representative of that really can do is make noise and crap the place up; there is nothing left but a desire for additional funding.

The question that the media is afraid to be discussed but that is the crux of the issue when discussing Republican politics is if the rank and file are DUMB or EVIL.

To the DUMB, there is a difference between “THINKING” and “BELIEVING”. The latter is reasoning backwards, from conclusion to facts and the former is reasoning from facts to conclusion. Or to put another way, the former (THINKING) is an attempt to understand reality and the latter (BELIEVING) is trying to make reality what you want it to be instead of what it is. The real problem is that it is easy for smart ruthless and often reckless and mostly immoral people to manipulate the BELIEVING by simply claiming to believe.

Which brings us to the EVIL. EVIL is often afraid to be seen in the “light of day” or if you prefer honestly discuss what are its true goals and intentions and so often speak in code. For example, and has been said many times, the overwhelming support for Donald “grab her by the …” Trump bye WHITE Evangelicals (most Blacks are Evangelicals and as we all know overwhelming vote for Democrats) proves beyond all doubt that “values” in front of the word voter is and has always been code for race.

The current Republican Party has no platform on economic or foreign policy issues except for tax cuts for billionaires which they ridiculously claim will pay for everything the Government needs to do. That is other than hatred of Democrats, there seems to be nothing really uniting Republicans. And to that hatred of Democrats the GOP has 7 Planks,

Race baiting
Fear mongering
Immigrant scapegoating
Bible Thumping which seems to include a great deal of misogyny
Gun toting
Flag Waiving
And simply shouting about your opposition “He’s a liberal, he’s a liberal, he’s a…”


From that Wiki page:

“For managing seagulls and other pest birds, see Bird control.”

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