Uptick In Far-Right Ideology In Congress Contributed To Record Number Of Anti-Gov’t Extremist Groups In 2023

Half the MFs on Jan 6 were on Social Security, Workers’ Comp, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, or a pension from a government job.

Video evidence of the unable-to-distinguish-fact-from-fiction-on-the-internet caucus. AKA those born every minute.


These antigovernment types never fail to cash a check. From the government.

True. And I wonder how many of them even have full time jobs. Must be all those personal days they get. I don’t understand. They don’t appear to be wealthy retirees. What I’m saving is how does one travel 300 miles to go to a trump rally and then manage to get back for work the next day? The simple stuff. Dysfunctional, middle-aged and really mad about something they can’t articulate. Their lives would have been so much better if they had stayed in the woods running around with paintball guns.

And of course the wives are doing what they can to keep the family together while daddy, with all his gear and weaponry is out playing ‘patriot’. The whole thing is pathetic and extremely selfish.


Thanks Emine Yücel for the reporting. I think many of us knew this demographic was expanding, but it’s nice to have the numbers.


You’re confusing Jewish space lasers and Italian satellites, a perfectably understandable thing. They’re among my favorite creations of the far right in Congress.


Vultures, hyenas, certain fungi.

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I don’t think they can distinguish. I just wonder which came first, the anti-government types in Congress, or the extremist “faction” of Republicans.

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The economic ills we suffer have come upon us over several decades. They will not go away in days, weeks, or months, but they will go away. They will go away because we as Americans have the capacity now, as we’ve had in the past, to do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom.

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.
— Ronald Reagan Inaugural Address, 1981.

us debt by pres 2
USA Today, June 2023 - US NATIONAL DEBT

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The indulged male children of the unenlightened.

Pathetic is right. One of the reasons I kinda want them to kick off.

Remove the gloves and send these farts back to the holes from which they’ve gusted.


…send these farts back to the holes from which they’ve gusted.

Wow, nice turn of the phrase!


Thank you - I get more pithy with rage.

It won’t be bon mots I’ll be firing at these fuckers come the day.

Wow, nice turn of the phrase!

I can even sense the “gusting.” And I just got up. What’s that … feel a large gusting coming my way as well. You’ll have to excuse me.

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They also steal food off your table; sometimes right out of your hands.

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Coffee - what can you do?

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I’m so old, I remember the 50’s. They were smaller then and most people were not listening or aware of their activities. Kinda like “rats feet over broken glass.” I think that then there were too many WWII vets around.

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You forget that trump gave them a big tax break, as well as to the really wealthy. Thus, retirees’ income soared, allowing them to come to Washington and show how shitty their lives are.


My father was one of them, and would have court martialed Oliver North.

The Lost Generation now. Except for us.

I love this - never heard that analogy before. THANKS!

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I’d be LOLing if I wasn’t crying about the truth of your post.


And let’s not forget this:


Distributed cognition or not, I’m reasonably convinced I don’t have an original thought in my head, but in this case I’m certain it’s borrowed; e.g., Seagull management - Wikipedia

But it’s a really good analogy none-the-less, particularly accurate wrt MAGA-Republicans like MTG and Gaetz