‘Untrue Representation’: FDA Chief Denies WH Pressured Him Into Approving Vaccine | Talking Points Memo

FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn on Sunday reiterated his denial that White House chief of staff Mark Meadows reportedly pressured him into granting an emergency use authorization for Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine by the end of Friday, or else he would have to resign.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1349066

When you’re explaining and denying, you’re casting doubt on your own actions. He would have been better off keeping his mouth shut.


“I wasn’t threatened to be fired. I was invited to submit my resignation. Any idiot can tell the difference,” he said.


“Untrue representation” is not the same as saying the words weren’t spoken.


‘The FDA was encouraged to continue working expeditiously on Pfizer-BioNTech’s (emergency use authorization) request,” Hahn said

IOW, hurry the fuck up.

Was he pressured? Almost certainly. Did it affect his judgement? :thinking:


“Useless” and “unfortunate” are two good starter adjectives to describe Trump and everything he does.


Fifteen degrees of separation from Trump should be required on this


I am inclined to believe that it did not, in any great way. Hahn’s judgement carries a lot of responsibility for many people’s lives. If he screws this up, everyone in creation will know.

On the other hand, Trump is rapidly becoming the lamest of lame ducks. His impotence grows with every breath, and every word; He poses minimal threat to anyone:


“He did not say I’d be fired. He said I’d be shitcanned. Obviously the fake news media can’t even get the quote right.”


Bullshit !

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January 20th 2021 High Noon can’t come soon enough.


Funny how Trump doesn’t understand, or his minions were too afraid to point to him that if the FDA cut corners and didn’t do their due diligence then Trump would get directly blamed for more deaths, and/or injuries.
What’s eating at Trump is that GB got in there first, which is a ridiculous thing to get one’s nose all bent out of shape over. Even if Trump has stock in Pfizer he’s not going to see much bump for his pump, since the vaccine is already paid for, right?


“The representations in the press that I was threatened to be fired if we didn’t get it done by a certain date is inaccurate,” Hahn said on Saturday.

Narrator’s voice: “He wasn’t threatened with being fired. Instead, they strongly recommended that he resign.”


Sure. OK. Whatevah, Hahn. We believe you almost as much as we believe Alex Azar and Sidney Powell.

A tad OT, but speaking of the latter “person” ( I put that in quotes because it still hasn’t been proven that the vagrant bitch is actually a human being. And, yes, I called that unworthy piece of rotting flesh a bitch, so fucking sue me.), why hasn’t this absolute loon been disbarred and put in a strait jacket yet:


I will not breath easily until the nuclear football is out Trump’s orbit. Then there was Petty PompousAss’ trips through the ME that I don’t think we got a full read out on. Until every security code access has been voided, passwords changed, and the WH swept for listening devises then we are not safe.


This is one crazy loon that needs a psych eval stat!


Well, they did kill Kennedy, so wouldn’t put it past them at all.

And…Another one bites the dust
Georgia high court rejects latest Trump election appeal (apnews.com)


“The representations in the press that I was threatened to be fired if we didn’t get it done by a certain date is inaccurate,”

Ron Howard’s Narrator Voice: “He was threatened to be fired.”


Trump wants to claim the vaccine for himself. He wants it branded “Trump Vaccine”. It will be a major talking point in his rally speeches on his run-up to 2024. He wants it carved in stone before Monday, because, just like everybody else, he knows what’s coming (barring a Pat Robertson Jericho Miracle™).

In other it-would-take-a-miracle news: