The excerpt of New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly’s book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation” created a stir this week, with the most recent controversy surrounding Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh’s participation — or lack thereof.
Kavanaugh wanted the writers to say that he had declined an interview, even while he was willing to discuss some things with them off the record or on background, thus with no attribution.
I’m kinda interested by the fact that a sitting justice of the supreme court was openly asking people to lie for his perceived personal advantage. How many other times has he suborned what would be perjury if spoken under oath?
Come on TPM. This headline is horrible. It’s not that they “couldn’t agree to terms” it’s that Kavanaugh asked them to lie in exchange for access. If I want headlines that carry water for conservatives I’d subscribe to the New York Times.
Being a Trumptard you must be a coward who tries to talk like a man but have never down a manly thing in your life.
Sex is a natural act that can just happen without instruction.
(Just btw, the band that did that explained that the m&ms were actually a canary. They were one of the early adopters of spectacular special effects, and apparently their contract specified a bunch of relatively arcane requirements for the venue so their roadies didn’t get killed. According to the memoirs, if they saw the m&ms done wrong, they knew the local folks hadn’t bothered to read the contract and they had to do an inch-by-inch inspection of everything else. Dunno it’s it’s true, but it’s a good rationalization.)
Pogrebin and Kelly ultimately felt that to tell readers that they hadn’t spoken to Kavanaugh when in fact they had would be too misleading.
I’m really glad they made that decision. This is one of the forks in the road where “access” folks go one way and people with integrity go another. They chose wisely.
It would have been really easy to just say ‘yes’ and move on.
“Ok Justice Kavanaugh, we promise not to point out that you are emotionally unqualified for your position and you promise not to turn red, spray spittle at the reporters, and pound the table. We do, however, expect you to leave in huff, you big baby!”