WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Unemployment benefits for millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet lapsed overnight as President Donald Trump refused to sign an end-of-year COVID relief and spending bill that had been considered a done deal before his sudden objections.
Hollows (虚 (ホロウ), Horō) are a race of creatures which are born from Human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to Soul Society after their death and stay in the Human World for too long. They are corrupt spirits with supernatural powers which devour the souls of both living and deceased Humans.
We tried to tell them. If there’s one thing that’s important to know about Donald Trump, it’s this: He lives to cause pain. He enjoys inflicting pain. We did try.
Yep…you could have gotten odds this prick would pull this nonsense…burn it to the ground and inflict as much pain and bedlam on as many innocents as possible…this man is the biggest sociopath that ever drew a breath…
Maybe a few. This was quite the little switcheroo. The White House gives its blessing to the deal and then he walks in and flips the checkerboard in a fit of pique. But a lot of the people capable of saying “That’s it, I’m out” already have.
My bet. Based on their other reactions to the world of reality, The government shuts down, and the GOP won’t override Trump’s veto of the NDAA. All of this mess ends up on Joe’s desk. I hope I’m wrong.
The thing is all his supporters aren’t in the upper crust of America, there has to be a huge portion that rely on unemployment benefits, food stamps even though they’d never admit it. If they don’t blame him for this, they are truly lost in the wilderness.
Makes about as much sense as anything else during the past 4 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next press conference (as if!) adopts this same definition.