Amid heavy criticism from lawmakers, including some Republicans, about its handling of the Coronavirus outbreak, the Trump administration is considering the creation of a “Coronavirus czar,” Politico reported.
“We have contained this. We have contained this. I won’t say airtight, but pretty close to airtight,” White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on CNBC Tuesday.
Why is an ex Fox News presenter, and pretend economist, opining about public health policy, about which he is also completely unqualified to speak?
Yup that was a really stupid talking point circa 2009. But it got through to the morons for sure. At the healthcare townhall I attended (remember those?!?) my poor Representative Loebsack had to talk over irate conservatives sarcastically shouting “More czars!!”
They also were murmuring about how the canvassers and vote registration people outside were “Probably ACORN.” I swear conservatives will lap up and new bugaboo their masters serve up.
You are too kind about Kudlow. I agree with Noel Casler who guessed that Trump asked him to since everyone else in the WH refused. For anyone on Twitter - Casler is a great follow.
P.S. Trump obviously pressured Kudlow to make that statement today. The fact that he would actually make it shows his true character. Self-centered fear is at the heart of any active alcoholic and addict. Both Trump & Kudlow ‘are in their disease’ @realDonaldTrump
I’ll come right out and say this: I have zero confidence in anyone t rumpp picks to do anything in any job that is in the best interests of the American people. Both he and his people have failed this country.