Uncertainty Over MAGA Election Board's Attempts To Delay Certification In Georgia Is Finally Over

Originally published at: Uncertainty Over MAGA Election Board’s Attempts To Delay Certification In Georgia Is Finally Over - TPM – Talking Points Memo

After the Georgia Supreme Court rejected an RNC-backed appeal of a recent Fulton County judge ruling that struck down several unsettling new election rules, the MAGA-dominated state election board’s months-long attempts to delay election certification have finally been defeated.  This latest decision by the state’s high court, which holds a conservative majority, represents the most…

I do not think these words mean what he thinks they mean.


You do not do what the Republican election boards are doing unless you expect to lose. I hope that they get at least this right.


Them floating that stupid brainwashed idiot judge as a potential AG for trump is just chain yanking of the most unserious sort. That stupid turd has got to get run out of town, reassigned, something.


I got a dollar saying the GARepubs try to move the goalposts notwithstanding this ruling. They can’t take No (no) (no) (no - please stop appealing) for an answer. Peach-time shenanigans are in the air!


Agree. They abso-f*cking-loutly do not want all votes to be counted.

I do believe in signs and portents but I do believe in luck. So far we’ve been lucky that many of the MAGA morons voter suppression efforts have been ineffective. But not all of them.


It’s a pity that the Republican National Committee is headed by a confirmed liar who refuses to recognize the responsibility of TFG for the January 6 attack on the peaceful transition of power.


In other words, the 2024 Presidential election seems so uncertain to the conservatives on the Georgia Supreme Court that they’d rather not be charged for conspiracy of sedition if it turns out that Trump loses in November.

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To be fair, we can only expect so much from Trump daughter in law. She’s busy funneling donations to Trump and filing lawsuits about the election.