UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson In Stable Condition In ICU | Talking Points Memo

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was in stable condition Tuesday in a hospital intensive care unit with the coronavirus, and while he is not on a ventilator, he is receiving oxygen, his spokesman said.

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Buckingham Palace said Queen Elizabeth II was being kept informed about Johnson’s condition.

U.S. President Donald Trump said “Americans are all praying for his recovery.” “He’s been a really good friend,”

In Contrast:


So BoJo is now a very stable genius, too?


Going out of their way to say he’s not on a ventilator. I wonder what percentage of ICU for this is NOT on ventilation. I have just been assuming ICU=ventilator. So I’m suspicious.

BoJo’s larger health problems may stem from the fact that he (apparently) stayed at home for as long as he did with escalating symptoms. If the virus has descended deep into his lungs, they will have a hard time keeping him stable with just oxygen assist measures. In the best scenario they will be able to. If he continues to worsen, the ventilator is almost inevitable: put him in a coma and pray like hell.

Can we trust the information we get from the government?
That President Trump would ask all of us to pray for BoJo again yesterday does not bode well

No. Only 30% of the COVID patient’s in my hospital’s ICU are on mechanical ventilation. Every day that goes by without him needing to be intubated bodes well for him.


“British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was in stable condition Tuesday.”

Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. On Sunday, the Brits said he went in for “tests” – which was a bald and obvious lie. Obviously, you can not trust them. Still, if Johnson does not at this point need a ventilator, allegedly, maybe he will pull through. But the Brits won’t be honest until he is out of ICU, dead or alive.

If he’s in “stable condition”, that’s a step up for him from, oh, a month or so ago.

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he is receiving oxygen

For the first time in his life…


BoJo is grossly overweight and sedentary. Those factors sure don’t help his chances. Just because he’s “stable” doesn’t mean he’s okay…he’s still in ICU. Fat turds like Trump should realize gluttony is just one among the other sins they routinely engage in.