U.S. Surpasses A Quarter-Million COVID Deaths | Talking Points Memo

At least 250,000 people have died after contracting coronavirus — and that number continues to climb without relenting as infections surge across the country. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1345514

The country is on the verge of a catastrophe and Trump is focused on assuaging his own shit-filled ego.


I’ve been saying this four four years, that he’s going to end up killing us all. It’s taking linger than I expected, but he’s getting there.
And he doesn’t care at all.


" The quarter-million milestone of COVID-19 deaths in the United States, has now exceeded early death toll predictions by infectious-disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci who in March suggested the virus might kill up to 240,000 people in the United States."

According to Trump, he still has 1,750,000 lives ‘in the bank’ to exhaust on his coronavirus efforts before the COVID defeats his Herculean efforts to battle the germ. Right?


Ni kidding? So the denial do nothing approach is not working?

It’s a virus. It will do the virus thing. If you do nothing about it you can expect this to be just the beginning. The virus loves “my body my choice” and “mask tyranny”. It makers its job easier. And it doesn’t give a shit what you call it. Kung Flu…China Virus…it’s cool with all of that as long as it can that 250K up to a more respectable 1 million.

We aren’t doing anything about it.


I thought COVID was just going to “go away” right after the election. Are you saying that Ted Cruz lied about that?


And here we are at last, the mad king pacing in his castle, his allies abandoning him, his troops deserting, besieged inescapably by the rightful and true king who is calling on him to unlock his gates and let the victorious army bring aid and comfort to his suffering people. It’s a sad, sad spectacle.

The first time Ted Cruz appeared on the national scene as a senator he was smearing Chuck Hagel in a way that would gag a maggot and little has changed since. He’s just an awful human being; he stands out for it in a very bad bunch.


It is a damn catastrophe, right now. It has been for months. A complete train wreck.


Cruz is, to borrow a phrase, one of Trump’s staunchest “stenchmen”.


I expect Cruz to start reestablishing his “brand” any day now. He waited Trump out and I’m sure he’s back in the hunt.


Is there anything on Trump’s schedule today besides tweeting?


You can tell Cruz is lying; his lips are moving. Of course with him, he’s lying even when they aren’t moving…

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COME ON NOW… look at the bright side of things… We have hundreds of new US judges and 3 new Supreme Court judges… why must we always focus on the negative </snark>


I comment frequently on Washington Monthly. I was at first highly skeptical when the regulars referred to the Trump phenomenon as a “cult of personality” and a “death cult”. I thought they were ‘way over the top’. I now apologize as they were completely correct and I was wrong on both counts.


And 70+ million voters thought this is no problem. None whatsoever.

There are people dying TODAY that still believe the virus is a hoax.

If there is any legacy to the Trump administration, this is it. This is all that matters. This and all the economic and ethical damage it has wrought on the nation.


During that 1st wave period here in NYC was deemed an essential worker. The feeling that Covid was stalking everyone was ever present but folks stayed home so extra contact was diminished bending that curve. But now it feels so much closer than before. Too much loss to wrap my head around most days and dip shit is golfing like Nero playing a lyre.


Not only that, they like it.


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OT They want a do-do-over.

Fat chance — I hope.