TX Judge: Prison Must Provide Sanitary Supplies; ‘Win’ For Inmates

A district judge ordered that a Texas prison holding geriatric inmates provide unfettered access to hand soap, as well as hand sanitizer and masks after finding the prison population to be at “high risk of serious illness or death from exposure to COVID-19.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1304440
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The fact that they’re going to appeal this decision is appalling.

And wholly typical.


Is this a state run prison or a for profit prison?


I simply don’t understand how government is failing at so many levels, and not just in the US. My dad’s in a nursing home in so-so health abroad and no one’s seen fit to supply him with masks, gloves or antiseptic. My mom’s been waiting 6 weeks for her SNAP benefits to be renewed for another year. I’ve been waiting on a tax refund for nearly a month. None of us can figure out what’s going on with these stimulus payments even though we’ve done everything we’re supposed to to get them. I see people congregating in parks and outdoors without masks in close proximity and after a token showing for a couple of days cops are nowhere to be found. Even those auto insurance discounts that were promised are slow in coming. And it’s still nearly impossible to find PPE and antiseptic in local stores.

This is just our personal experience, and it’s nothing compared to what many are going through, the PPE that hospitals, health care workers and first responders still can’t get in sufficient quantities, along with ventilators and other essential equipment and supplies, the terrible conditions in prisons, nursing homes and public housing, the body bags overflowing in morgues and elsewhere, and so on. And instead of growing a spine and doing something about it, GOP leaders are whining about the economy and closures and how mean Dems and the media are to them, and threatening to reopen businesses. It’s like a nightmare scenario out of Bosch. Even Dems are mostly silent, probably afraid of being seen as exploiting the pandemic for political gain. WTF is going on?!?

Are we seeing the collapse of the post-WII neoliberal/conservative world order and its exposure as a sham and a fraud that’s mostly intended to enrich and empower its leaders? If so, what replaces it, progressivism or fascism? It’s going to end up being one or the other.


That guard’s belt is straining mighty hard to hold up the overburden.


“What’s so stunning is that there are so many correctional agencies that are not doing this most basic of stuff,” she said. “I mean, you need a lawsuit to tell people they can wash their hands? That’s what we’ve come to in this country: you need to sue to protect your most basic of rights.”

This. It’s reprehensible it’s taken a deadly viral infection to highlight how poor and negligent the care is in institutions in this country, and not just prisons.

It’s appalling people who ostensibly believe in the concept of forgiveness, somehow are never able to forgive inmates for their sins, especially if they’re persons of color. Let’s not pretend racism isn’t a big part of this.


They did relatively ok until JFK’s assassination, and then everything started coming apart, and still is. It’s like the Yeats poem. The best lost all conviction and the worst were and still are full of passionate intensity. That’s not sustainable. Either we get back on track or we’re in for some horrific times. As in, quite possibly species extinction level horrors, or close to it. Our best and brightest have got to stop caring more about their careers, bank accounts and lifestyles and get on the ball again.


I don’t see this. I see a lot of commentary from Dems, but you have to look hard for it. It’s more like opposition voices can’t compete for attention in the press and media with the ongoing Trump Free Floating Shitshow.


Pack is a state-run TDCJ unit.


Remarks made at 10:15pm on O’Donnell on MSNBC aren’t enough. They need to assume a leadership role in congress and elsewhere and start making formal demands and calling out Trump’s horrific mishandling of this in organized manner. Perhaps they should hold virtual town halls, have virtual rallies, etc. The way that Repubs organized against Obama, they need to do against Trump.


And we are going to find out pretty soon.


I see it, correction, I don’t see it. I have heard squat from Dem leadership. Yes, one or two stories where we hear that so and so said something a couple of times a week. Meanwhile it is 98 percent rump this rump that ever single fuckin day…

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Judge Keith Ellison

I thought he was the attorney general of Minnesota.

Should it matter?

They‘re getting tax $$$ one way or the other.

I think a lot of policymakers’ ideas about prison are based on the implicit assumption that prisoners are never going to get out, or at least not for long.

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Different far-left Murca-hating commie.

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“It will be appealed,” he said. He being Jeremy Desel, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s director of communications.

As someone who has spent 60 of his 68 years in Texas, let me translate this into Texanese for the rest of you: “Let the old fuckers die. Waste of space.”


And when the pandemic passes, it will all be forgotten again.


I was appalled when I read that as sanitary supplies like menstrual products. Then I got triple-dog appalled when I found out what it really meant. JFC, this effing country.


“It will be appealed”

So will your humanjty…