I would love to be hangin’ out with Molly and Ann right about now. Don’t you know the pith is flying in heaven. You’d need a helmet, if you weren’t already dead.
RepubliCONs aren’t held accountable. They know that and we know that. Even on the off chance it looks like there may be some consequences a pardon or a higher court overruling usually steps in to save their asses and have them go back about their corrupt ways.
I swear I remember a time when it was at least possible to narrow the field of contenders for the Biggest Piece of Shit Republican in Public Office Award in any given year.
same type of thing here in East TN. Took over 4 months to get drivers license. Near vacant strip mall 5 miles from anywhere, only access was by auto. Open for 4 hours every other Tuesday, and you had better be in line at least an hour prior to opening or good luck. there was also so very much more that were pure roadblocks.
I hope one day Ann Richards daughter runs for office or gets a cabinet or other position in government. Yeah there’s her Planned parenthood experience which might put off some wingnuts but enough might respect her and have warm feelings about her mom.
When Paxton heard the Democrats say they’d crawl over broken glass to vote Trump out, he probably thought they meant that they wanted him to sprinkle broken glass everywhere. And he was happy to oblige. Good customer service, GOP style!
You forgot the dentist from AZ whose siblings pleaded with voters not to re-elect him. And Biggs, the guy from GA who got beat by a girl in the primary for Senator, and then there’s Marjorie who I hope is in a class all by herself.