Just wait till the protesters whip out their weedwackers with extended fishing line to counter the batons.
so this explains Tucker Carlson’s deflection to a NYT reporter allegedly posting Carlson’s home address. Deflect away from the sexual misconduct suit to claim being the victim of a conspiracy. Gosh, where might he have learned that tactic?
Voir dire would be epic to watch.
Leaf blowers, nekkid ladies and Moms! I’ve got to put Portland on my Bucket List!
Every time I read one of these stories, I start dreaming about discovery, long, videotaped depositions, requests to produce, pages of emails and texts, confidential memos. And then, I remember that the defense is thinking about it, too, and probably is going to do everything to settle before trial to keep it from seeing the light of day…
Can’t wait for that new FoxToons ratings-buster, “Tucker Carlson and the Tiny Pecker Brigade”.
Who could forget Fox’s breathless overly melodramatic reporting over the years about Saddams and the Isis rape rooms. Projection is a heck of a thing.
Yep, O’Reilly held on at Fox for years after settlements detailing his sexual misconduct.
The depositions in this case will be very revealing, when it’s an attorney who controls the microphone, not Hannity or Carlson.
Lie down with dogs, get up with cash settlements.
Wingnut welfare at its finest!
The self-confessed P-Grabber tweeted last night “IStandWithTucker”
Predatory birds of the sexual, violent and criminal kind flock together and support each other…
Trump supported Roy Moore!
Needless to say, your demand is patently unconstitutional.
Who’s that? Was he somebody once?
Do not let Fox and Mr. Carlson change the narrative. This is what they do all the time. Stay on message and pound the truth. Call out every Republican politician who claimed the NY Times did what Mr. Carlson said they did, which is false. Ask if that is how these Republican politicians and their staff check facts.
Went there a couple of years ago. They have excellent donuts too.
I actually see there aren’t too many retweets or likes. I guess not too many stand with Pucker.
Yep…and last night Tucker was out in full whine and snivel mode INSISTING DAMMIT that the NYTimes was publishing his family’s address to HURT him. You bet Tuck.
Although I’m sure leaf blowers will soon be designated as ‘weapons of war.’
My daughter said they’re also bringing tennis rackets. Poor frustrated ammosexual fascists. UNFAIR. Lefties are SMARTER than your fucking goons, Moron.
Carlson… he and his family… wife and kids
This has to be the saddest news I’ve read all day. Can’t even imagine what they say about daddy’s “work”.