DELRAY BEACH, FLa. (AP) — President Donald Trump is angrily denying a report that he made disparaging remarks about U.S. service members who have been captured or killed, including that he described American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers.”
This is the commercial that needs to be made: Families of fallen veterans calling themselves losers while describing their loved ones valor. Wounded and damaged veterans calling themselves losers while describing their selfless heroism.
Trump also reiterated the White House explanation of why he didn’t visit the cemetery. “The helicopter could not fly,” he said, because of the rain and fog. “The Secret Service told me you can’t do it. … They would never have been able to get the police and everybody else in line to have a president go through a very crowded, very congested area.
Trump acknowledged Thursday he was “never a fan” of McCain and disagreed with him, but said he still respected him and approved everything to do with his “first-class triple-A funeral” without hesitation because “I felt he deserved it.”
Shorter Trump - Of course John McCain was a loser because he dissagreed with me, but I still gave that loser a tripple-A funeral. Where’s my thanks? Where’s the love?
Back in 1999 I was at the re-dedication of the Vietnam Veterans memorial in Lower Manhatta. At the time I was a legislative aide and responsible for getting some of the funds earmarked for its rehabilitation. It was constructed in the early 80’s, showing some wear and needed some additional names added. Since Trump donated some money, which was shocking enough, he was there pressing the flesh with some of the vets. I couldn’t tell if he was sincere or engaged in his usual performance art.
In the back of my mind I thought “Didn’t he have some sort of foot or ankle issue that kept him out of service?” As the ceremony went on I glanced over to look at him. The wind was blowing off of the East River you could see his hair fly around like it was some sort of weave.
Please. These are active duty or career folks. For one small story, you want them to throw it all away, when the finish line is in sight? It’s not like this story will get Trump impeached or anything.
The truth will out. Trump is the most emotional, sympathetic, caring person to ever grace the Oval Office with his presence. If he had gone to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery he would have been overcome with grief and broken down in front of every person, woman, man, camera, TV and that would have been devastating for his image as the strong, resolute leader of the free world.