Originally published at: Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Within hours of President Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris to run in his stead, Donald Trump had a response: It was all very unfair. It’s his classic MO, leaning wantonly into personal grievance when nothing else will do. Biden, Trump suggested, was lying about having COVID. The Republican Party,…
Dear GOP…Tough Sh!t.
The Republican Party, he [said, should “be reimbursed for fraud” because it had been so grossly misled.
Notice it’s always about money with him.
He is a whiner. No one likes a whiner.
My seatbelt was already fastened. I just tightened it a bit.
This is what gives me hope about our chances–these freaks cannot and will not be normal. Their brains are terminally poisoned from spending too much time in the miasma of far-right internet chambers. Combine that with their natural terror of women, and I think enough normal people will show up to drop kick them in November.
…and lawsuits.
Before the debate, many of the same people who are now calling for Harris to replace Biden were calling for Biden to dump Harris and pick another VP. We do not know, and will not know for at least a month, how Harris being the nominee will affect the race. I am hopeful, but not optimistic.
Nobody should believe Trump’s public statements or in fact any statement made by any Trump supporter. They are all for political purposes.
I believed that had Democrats rallied around Joe Biden he would have easily won. In my view, Barack Obama showed himself as why he, in spite of having all the opportunity, was not nearly the president and accomplished less in 8 years than Joe Biden did in 4. Maybe that was some of his motivation for stabbing Biden in the back.
I have no idea what is going to happen now that Biden is out and Kamala Harris is the nominee and I don’t think anyone else does either.
There are a few things we do know, that Republicans after Harris is officially nominated will be attacking her with racist and misogyny never before seen. We also know that the reason Trump was afraid of Biden in 2020 was because Biden does better with White men then any other Democrat. Harris will likely do worse than Biden with this group.
But I still think the election will come down to White women. And that is the reason I am hopeful. However, when it comes down to it, women are every bit as racist and otherwise flawed as men. Therefore I am not optimistic.
I’ve got three words for Fat Hitler and the sycophants who have their faces shoved up his ass.
Fuck your feelings.
excellent story, @josh_kovensky , but one request… can you please put a [sic] in there when the incorrect usage of “Democrat” is in a quote? thanks.
We can’t make them stop saying it but we should at least keep pointing out that it is wrong.
Well, except for all of his whiney, incel, 'fraid-of-losing-their-white-male-Christo-fascist-privilege. But that’s really just a minority of his supporters… oh, wait…
I must say I am appreciating Joe’s similarities to Obi Wan Kenobi.
Yeah Chris Sununu, and the rest of them, can fuck all the way off!
This is rich. The GOP and Trump in particular have hammered Biden repeatedly to drop out. Let’s say he finally listened to them and did so…and now they’re howling “Fraud!” “Unfair!”
Ominously, Kellyanne Conway strongly insinuated what at least part of the GOP’s main attack plan will likely be:
Harris, Conway said on Fox News, is lazy and inarticulate. “She does not speak well,” Conway said. “She does not work hard.”
Old school racist tropes about Black welfare queens. None of them apply to Harris at all, but they don’t have to in order to rally the base. And Hannity’s bleating about plastic straws is actually funny as hell, though also far too reminiscent of Fox pounding the Democrats coming to take away your gas stove and Biden heinously mandating efficient electric appliances. How dare they! It’s our God-Given right to be as wasteful of what little money we have as we possibly can, and they can’t make us change!
It’s lovely to see the Republicans in disarray. But it won’t last, and the Democrats need to strike fast and often to gain and keep the advantage.
In all fairness Kamala should debate Trump on FOX as long Trump will agree to the terms of the debate and debate on ABC.
When she debates Trump he will not know if he should sh*t or wind his watch.
“They held a primary!” Miller nearly shouted. “People – they had ballots! They filled out circles that went to the voting booths! They spent money on advertisements, and as President Trump said, the Republican Party spent tens of millions of dollars running against Joe Biden.”
This and all the other whining about the switch being “unfair” just underscores the fact that the “modern” GOP has absolutely no policy positions other than if Democrats want it, then it’s got to be bad, so No!
Heaven forbid they should be campaigning on a vision for the future, trying to win votes, rather than just looking for emotional points of impact to campaign against…
So there’s a great opening for a first line of attack -
He’s a misogynistic wuss and needs to be called out for it.
On top of the classical anti-Black racism, the amount of bots pretending to be Black Americans posting that Harris isn’t Black enough will consume the power supply of a medium-sized country.