A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1467946
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Wait, didn’t Trump get a visit before the MAL search and they knew the boxes were there?
Of course they knew they were there, but what was his strategy to reject the subpoena? What an idiot.
In the abyss of an utterly mind-bending conspiracy that dances on the precipice of common sense and lunacy, a jaw-dropping revelation about the war in Ukraine unfolds. It’s a narrative that reads like a fever dream. Russia, the champions of good, along with the one and only true president of America, the indomitable Donald J. Trump, are protecting America from turning conservatives into CRT-embracing zombies. The audacious invasion of Ukraine, greenlit by Putin’s handler, President Trump, is being used by Trump and his Russian proxy to destroy U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, to prevent the brainwashing of true Conservative patriots.
As the world grapples with a mutated strain of COVID, shrouded in the fog of a war waged far away, as well as smoke from raging Canadian forest fires, an even more sinister plot begins to emerge. It all starts with the dark connection between this new COVID strain and the Canadian forest fires themselves. Shockingly, President Trump and Russia have unveiled the truth—the U.S. conducts disturbing gain-of-function research within hidden black site labs in Ukraine.
Yet, behind the curtain of this grotesque theater of horrors is an unexpected player—The Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association (PTNPA). Operating from their clandestine headquarters cunningly nestled in the heart of Alexandria, VA, “Big Nuts” is believed to be the puppeteers providing the lipid transfer protein responsible for the sinister nut allergies, which is being utilized as a catalyst in this clandestine and morally reprehensible research.
But the rabbit hole goes deeper. Shockingly, it’s rumored that the blueprints for this sinister gain-of-function research are stashed away on none other than Hunter Biden’s laptop. Burisma, the ever-suspect company serving as a thinly veiled front for Ukraine’s covert bioweapon industry, is suspected to be at the epicenter of this web of intrigue. Hunter, previously a seemingly unqualified board member of an energy company, now emerges as the mastermind behind bioweapons, all thanks to his double major in history and political science. His actions, guided by the invisible hand of Anthony Fauci, who communicates with Hunter Biden through Hunter Biden’s very own laptop, pave the way for PTNPA’s sinister machinations.
As the conspiracy gains momentum, PTNPA, the “Voice of America’s Nut Industry,” embarks on a campaign of clever disinformation marketing, slyly steering the narrative towards COVID truthers and QAnon adherents to make them look like nuts in their own right. These relentless seekers of truth venture into the dark alleyways of the conspiracy—uncovering tales of fire-starting Jewish space lasers, reverse-engineered from alien technology, guided by interdimensional beings and the mysterious Wizard Cats.
Respected Chilean news outlets are on the vanguard of reporting on the weaving of an intricate web connecting the dots between the raging fires, the cryptic “Andinia Plan,” an alleged Jewish scheme to seize control of not just Patagonia but also Canada. The chilling reality: COVID, manipulated through nefarious nut proteins, along with the enveloping smoke made possible by Jewish space lasers, become tools to literally rewire the minds of conservatives.
This nefarious plot seeks to eradicate the need for FEMA reeducation camps by normalizing seemingly disparate concepts like BLM and drag brunches, all while teaching history to make white children feel bad about themselves—an audacious scheme that blurs the boundaries of reality and plunges even deeper into the abyss of this mind-boggling and bewildering conspiracy.
I’m glad that Tarros got 22 years, but stilll short of what he should have gotten with the domestic terrorism enhancer
Gerald Ford, as President, made the statement below after Watergate and the resignation of Richard Nixon. Who will announce the end of our present long national nightmare? Under what conditions?
"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule. But there is a higher Power, by whatever name we honor Him, who ordains not only righteousness but love, not only justice but mercy." – President Gerald Ford, August 9, 1974
Meanwhile in Wisconsin they’re going to impeach the Gawdless Liberal just elected to the State Supreme Court.
Questions asked of two recent witnesses indicate Smith is focusing on how money raised off baseless claims of voter fraud was used to fund attempts to breach voting equipment in several states won by Joe Biden, according to multiple sources familiar with the ongoing investigation.
Short of actually putting Trump in prison, there’s no
better way to hurt him than by cutting off his funding.
The rubes should be thanking Jack Smith, but they
won’t, because they’re rubes.
Just posted for the stupidy, and this little nugget
We are in a terrible mess. Our education system de-educates young people, leaving them unfit for work
The sad truth behind job growth in the American economy - American Thinker
According to Axios, a left-leaning publication, the only thing keeping the American economy afloat is the blessed presence of foreign-born workers…because those lazy Americans just won’t work. However, according to a study by Zero Hedge, Americans are losing their jobs like crazy, and only foreign-born workers are getting those jobs
What the fuck does this even mean??
Was it a direct one-to-one replacement? I don’t know. But it appears that 1.2 million Americans wanted to work, but their employers didn’t want them. Instead, a great many employers preferred 771,000 foreign-born workers.
Those statistics also probably tell only the tale of legal foreign-born workers. They don’t talk about the low-level workers (gardeners, janitors, etc.), who are often paid under the table, whether legal or not. I suspect that a lot of those jobs are now in the hands of non-natives, too.
I guess they are saying employees won’t hire wight wing assholes!
- Corcoran recalled he was told by a fellow Trump attorney that Trump himself would “go ballistic” over complying with the subpoena and “that there’s no way he’s going to agree to anything, and that he was going to deny that there were any more boxes at all.”
He can go as “ballistic” as he wants, but not agreeing
to anything or falsely denying there were any boxes
there seems pretty problematic for Trump.
You go girl, make up proud!
Inauguration speech, 12 PM, January 20, 2025.
Just as the Alabama legislature may be playing with fire, the Wisconsin legislature may be doing the same. Charlie Sykes has a great analysis at the Bulwark explaining that if the republicans indefinitely suspend Justice Protasiewicz, she could resign and Democratic Gov. Evers could appointment a replacement. The resignation would trigger a 2024 judicial election—with the very same dynamics (abortion and democracy on the ballot) as the election that propelled Protasiewicz to an 11 point victory.
Surely you’re joking!
I do have to say that I’m dealing with much of this on many fronts. It is absolutely true that we are graduating the majority of kids that can’t count change, can’t read and can’t do simple math. Just ask any employer what kind of luck they’re having in hiring recent grads. Just ask any college or university that now has to do remedial English and math for its new students.
It’s been duly noted that the year or so of COVID restrictions for schools has affected students that are a year or so behind in their skills. I have two grandkids, fourth and fifth grade, that are experiencing this.
This isn’t news. It’s been out there for at least a year.
The look one gets when they’re caught in the act.
Trump is and was able to hang in there because in the past year he has taken many body blows, but over time he is wearing down and soon the knockout punch is coming. It is a race to see who gets the last major punch in. Will it be Letitia James or Fani Willis?
I guess this makes Enrique the front-runner for TDIFFG’s Vice Presidential spot.
That’s not the kids’ fault…
Projection much?
Yep same old shit
Please. The crazies on here tried to tell me the same thing 23 years ago when Clinton wasn’t leaving. Calm down honey.