President Trump went further with his recent remarks advocating for the reopening of the U.S. economy, despite a spike in coronavirus cases, during a “virtual town hall” on Fox News Tuesday.
So long as he accepts the responsibility for the consequences…oh wtf…sorry, we’re talking about Donald J. Trump after all…he can only blame Obama or the Democrats or the Chinese or whoever/whatever.
A decision to do this in this timeframe can only be described as extremely risky, to say the least, and needs a much steadier hand at the wheel.
Put a provision in the Senate Bill so that any CEO/President/Board Member of any company that receives bailout money of ANY AMOUNT must post his/her last 5 years of personal Tax Returns publicly.
That will be “interesting” since Trump is still the CEO of Trump Inc. and his children are all on the board.
What does this mean, specifically? Is he going to open up the borders? Resume international travel? I didn’t even know our country had closed…so what’s re-opening on Easter?
Food for thought - there are 300,000+ infections outside of China. If you assume that each person infects 2-3 others, there are well over a million infections worldwide. In the US, with 50,000 confirmed infections, that would mean we already have 100,000 to 150,000 unidentified infections. Back to work by Easter???
So yesterday on All Things Considered (?) they did a piece on the 10th anniversary of the PPACA. They played part of a speech that President Obama gave at the time. As I listened to it I thought “Oh that’s how a President speaks”. There were complete sentences delivered, and not sentence fragments masquerading as a cohesive thought or theme. Also I didn’t hear one sniff throughout the clip.
Look At What We’ve Become!
This is a man who is preparing to intentionally kill millions who might very well survive during the next several months. I keep thinking about what an analogous situation involving, say, two individuals, would look like, and I also wonder what we might say would be an appropriate reaction.
I don’t know if anyone’s pointed out how absurd this construction is. It’s meaningless. A human body isn’t built to be unconscious and immobile, but if you need to take out a hot appendix painlessly and efficiently that’s how the body needs to be. JFC.
MSM where are you?
Ever member of the Gang of 52 must be questioned publicly and results printed in ever newspaper and
news magazines.
They are Trumpers or Americans. There is no in between.