As the COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. surpasses 225,000, President Donald Trump argued on Monday that it ought to be illegal for the news media to cover the pandemic ahead of the elections.
This is what happens when you have a pResident that never read the U.S. Constitution, still doesn’t know what’s in it or doesn’t have people around him that tell him what he’s advocating is blatantly unconstitutional…or simply doesn’t care because he thinks he’s the ultimate authority as dictator.
There are words (but I get what you mean)…He just hasn’t bothered to read those words, or doesn’t think any of it applies to him. He’s insane and any media outlet that supports this monster from now until the election, in an effort to shake up the electorate with any of his bogus conspiracies and willing to play along with his distractions and lies, is to be taken to the woodshed. One week to go and there is still time for a “Comey Letter” moment to take place in the media. I’m just waiting to see which one will again fall for the BiG LIE and play along with his 2016 redux type deceptions.
Yeah, when you let a pandemic run unchecked through the country, including the White House, and it kills over 200,000 people, that’s, um, gonna get noticed by the news media.
The personality disorder always dictated that things good for Trump were good things, and things bad for Trump were similarly bad in essence. But these are the irrational ravings of a coward being driven mad by terror. He’s Winston Smith, this election is Room 101, and his ability even to pretend to be halfway sane is Julia. He doesn’t care any more. Let that be gone, it’s meaningless, the only thing that matters is not to lose.
Trump Wants COVID-19 Media Coverage To Be Illegal: ‘Should Be An Election Law Violation’
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trump of all people is not one to speak of laws that inconvenience him
trump loves the Second Amendment but not the First.
This violates his oath of office quite clearly.
I don’t understand, didn’t he say that his administration had the best response in the world? He takes full responsibility for the plague that is not his fault. Why would he not want to run on his record.
Maybe we should talk about his health care plan, the wall, immigration, or unemployment. I am not sure he would like those topics either.
The Wall Street Journal refused to run the Hunter Biden story. Look, I don’t want to say it’s impossible, but over 50 million have voted. There are almost no undecideds and third party votes are negligible. Plus, the ground was prepared for the Comey letter by months of wall-to-wall coverage of Hillary’s emails, So, I’m not sure anything can change the picture today…