Former President Donald Trump on Monday attacked Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, calling the pair of coronavirus advisers from his administration “self-promoters trying to reinvent history” while accusing them of making “faulty recommendations” that he dutifully overturned.
I would expect Fauci to continue to remain above the fray.
As for Birx, it would go a really long way if she were to publicly reply to Trump by saying
“Fuck off, Donald. Go boof Clorox. You already contributed enough death here.”
I really don’t give a shit what trump has to say so … …
The Ever Given is loose and floating along the Suez Canal From Al Jazerra I estimate 3500 rail road container sized cargo holders to be on that ship.
I look forward to the day when we stop giving Trump so much oxygen. It’s been such a relief to have him off of Twitter. Much less PTSD for the country!
Yup. This is gonna cause bottlenecks in all the ports, too. The whole supply chain was strangled for a while, and now that it’s reopened the ports are going to be uber-busy, and all the trains servicing those ports, etcetera, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.
True to form, Trump offers a prime example of projection, accusing others of his own vast shortcomings. Of course the cultists buy all his crap, but no sane, rational human being gives him any credibility. “Two self-promoters trying to reinvent history to cover for their bad instincts and faulty recommendations”. He is clearly jealous that Dr. Fauci may get the Nobel Peace Price and sainthood—the latter at the appropriate time in the far distant future.
The image of the boat on al Jazerra is really impressive. I couldn’t get it on my post as it’s not a jpg, jpeg type photo or some other thing my laptop will accept but it is worth looking at.
From the report: “In his statement, Trump, who has regularly sidelined public health officials, denied the call and stood by his efforts to undermine their expertise suggesting he only retained them because they had been longtime government employees.”
Well since Trump doesn’t have access to Twitter, and Thank God for that, then we had to wait for an official emailed statement, instead of reading him mean tweeting during the program.