Not a single one of those goatfuckers is a Christian.
Donald plays second fiddle to no one. His purpose isn’t to promote religion. It’s to undermine it.
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Actually it’s because of you Donald. They realize you’re an idiot and if there god doesn’t intervene, you are going down and will drag them with you.
This is vindication for us agnostics and atheists. If Zeus really existed, he would have ordered Hephaestus to reduce Trump to a smoking little cone of ash by now.
The bigger your church, he least christian you are. Big churches need money, lots of it, and that involves doing a lot a things that are not christian. Jesus didn’t say to Peter: “Do a fund raiser and follow me.”
You nailed it.
The only group that is solidly behind him are evangelical right wing Christians. He is 100% playing to his base. They are a small fraction of the population but in key red states they make up a majority of republicans. He has got to keep the senators and congressman inline who do not want to be primaried.
And power. It’s about accruing power unto themselves as mediated through their religion, which, as Mrs. Von Holst points out, to do so in Christ’s name is blasphemy.
Yes of course you’re right and so is Mrs Vonholst, who is from what I can tell, rarely if ever, wrong.
There pastors never read past “Render unto Caesar.”
He’s already made that claim:
The fundies must be getting nervous. He feels he has to shore them up. One of the good things to come from Trump’s presidency will be the marginalization of the RW religious nuts.
The Mega-Church Grifters are happy because a Trump Executive Order ALLOWS CHURCHES TO ENGAGE IN POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING NOW.
What used to be illegal, political campaigning from the pulpit, now is allowed. That makes the Mega-Church Grifters Deliriously happy, because it means they can now participate in, and raise money for (and skim money from) PACs.
This is why they support Trump. It’s good for their businesses.
The only good aspects I can see out of the Trump maladministration are the hastened declines of the GOP and the evangelical movement.
Pastors might have read it but they don’t believe any of what they are preaching. I been critical of priests for a long time, and just recently read Elmer Gantry, I found myself assenting until my neck hurt. Hypocrites have been with us since the beginning.
And ratwing media.
Maybe he is the AntiChrist. A lot of people are saying that.
Sadly the likes of Frank Graham see Trump’s support as a huge plus for white evangelicals! These people think they are following their Christ, but in reality they are doing deeds of the lowly devil!
This only rewards the likes of Frank Graham in a monetary fashion.
Oh what a bunch of fools these racist ass people are!
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”