We’re 49 days out. At this point this sort of thing is of interest to historians who work from a psychological perspective. The rest of us just need to do what we can in these last weeks to vote him out and regain the Senate. Nothing else matters.
Trump and his bunch, known and unknown, are vile monsters who knowingly profit off the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Who are all the people who pull his strings and pay his way? Also who are all the people who do his bidding? There should be a reckoning for all of them as well. They all knew who Trump is and what he does. He isn’t the only villain in this story.
Not defending Woodward, but the responsibility ultimately lies 100% with Trump.
He went on to say that it causes people to explode. “The water stops running through and these people with the virus, they just explode!”
He said that?
At the same time good old Bob decided to keep it under raps to write a book that benifits noone but himself.
Not about COVID. Yesterday he went on and on about how the fires in the West were caused by exploding trees.
The transaction that caused Trump’s inaction and the cover up of vital public health information by leadership is that it was only effecting the blue states -and he intended to blame democratic governors and mayors for his political benefit…dead Americans be damned
We’ve put up with gun violence and death for so long. Gradeschoolers shot, teenagers, young adults, every age class, tens of thousands of people a year and very little has been done to stop the deaths, because a large proportion of the voters are fine with this state of affairs. Why would we think that Bob Woodward’s releasing this information would have made any difference in light of the overall disinterest of these folks in the unnecessary deaths of their fellow citizens.
What is being shown with these clips, more than the book is that Trump is not bumbling idiot that we make him out to be. Yes he still has NPD, but he understands what information people tell him, and he chooses which direction to go.
So far the tapes have revealed that he loves having inside information. It makes him feel like a big man. He would tell anyone anything at all if it gave him the chance to show off what he knew. The question is what information has he not shared? Is there anything at all that he hasn’t spilled so that he could show off?
It’s too bad Woodward didn’t ‘panic’ when Trump told him about the severity of cv.
’ how they could have used Trump’s comments against him’
With all that you have seen, the Govs refusing mask mandates, the SD motocycle rally, the willful disregading of science by the right, the co-opting of the CDC etc etc do you really think this information would have made ANY diference with respect to federal and state responses?
The dangers and threat was known!! Drumpf was NEVER going to do the right thing. ever. He is incapable. Weaponizing his words in Sept which may sway a few voters in critical states was sadly the best move IMHO. You are dealing with his base and the GOP. They are a death cult. And death cults need to die. Only pain and suffering now and until Nov will end the world of the Trump presidency.
Based on my reading, because the virus mutates so quickly, they may not know which vaccine will be effective at any given point. That true for ordinary flu shots as well.
And the criminal part in part was Trump and Jared trying to figure out how to make a buck. And when the stimulus legislation was passed and sent to Treasury to implement then how to get money to those that weren’t eligible.
And can we please remember that McConnell sent the Senate home for a long weekend before taking up the legislation in the Senate.
46% of those voting in 2016 cast their ballot for Trump. There is every reason to believe had participation in the election been at much higher levels that percentage would have held somewhat consistent. Trump has not lost 16% of the electorate. Your 30% figure is certainly much closer to the low 40s in a worst case scenario. Nearly every other adult you interact with on a daily basis supports this sick bastard. EVERY. OTHER. ONE.
Covid will always be with us, but a vaccine for the deadly form will greatly reduce the risk of harm.
Long after. Maybe never, although if enough people get vaccinated, herd immunity may help a lot.
So you want to know who is in Trump’s Killer Klown Klique?