Trump To Announce Move On Census Citizenship Question | Talking Points Memo

You wouldn’t want that to happen. A boycott is like shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to the census imo. Federal funding and representation depends on the results of those answers and data that are taken in from filling it out.


I would summarize the last 6 months of the Trump administration by the phrase ‘Removing the guardrails’. All of the so-called ‘adults in the the room’ in his administration are gone, he receives zero push back from GOP pols and his cabinet officials and staffers are basically ignoring the Dem-controlled House. The judiciary has been the only effective check on his behavior. If he is able to somehow use his now MAGA-fied DOJ to overrule a Supreme Court decision, all bets are off.


I wish you had not said the. Now I am sick to my stomach

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I agree with you, but if I have learned anything from the past 2+ years it’s that there is a fairly large chasm between how things in our government are supposed to work when all parties involved are operating in good faith and how things work when the government is being run by people who absolutely do not care what they destroy to get what they want.


I read this, and I thought: Yes. This administration is like Uber started out being–they’d show up in a city unannounced, start up their business, and force taxis and, later city government to figure out what to do with them now that they were there.

Hmm–that may be a better analogy for the present state of things, both in Congress and in the courts, than I originally thought.


The thing is it will be challenged if he goes this route, and if he stops the process of making out the forms that are already underway, he’s defying a court order which will compel the court to respond immediately to put a stop to his bullshit. His gambit is only useful if he’s looking at doing this to get it onto a future census. If he tries to do it now, he’s provoking a constitutional crisis…yet again. Personally, I don’t think it will work but he’s really trying extra hard to get the Acosta shit off the front page so for tRump it’s a two-fer.


OT but here’s a fun one. Mark Foley is plotting a come-back, sensing that today’s GOP will be more open to his special brand.


No, if there is an explicit, and organized, and successful boycott, all bets are off.

Risk-free? No.

But neither is complying.


It always works too, doesn’t it? That headline will disappear, something else earth shattering will appear, he’ll make up another outrageous statement, then there we go again.


“Move fast, break things.” and “Agile Development” The modus operandi of Silicon Valley.

I’ve been advocating this courses of action for over a year. Mostly I’ve been met with “Well, these things take time. You have to cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s. You want things to stand up in court. We don’t do illegal things”
Meanwhile - the administration moves fast, and breaks things. Relying on ‘the process’ to move slowly enough that the country is faced with a kind of ‘too late now, why bother’ malaise.

I’m not saying “Do illegal things”. I’m saying do unprecedented things. Things that will take time to sort out.



Hah. That is funny. Apparently Foley thinks its OK to come back in. Someone told him, “hey guy, the water’s warm” and pedophiles are welcome in government now. Good Lord.


You might even say that he’s taking a page out of Jeffrey Epstein’s book.


I know the answer, I just like the pic



The media are like a bunch of trained dogs at this point.


Silly people and your silly, arcane “rules” and “laws”…

We’re in the Post-Rule-of-Law Era now.


… complaisance, at best.

"It is unclear exactly what shape Trump’s move to try to re-add the question will take. "

National Emergency declaration incoming. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, Flight 666 will be experiencing some additional turbulence on its way to Autocracy. Please fasten your seatbelts and assume the position.


An executive order is not subject to the APA procedures. I expect that the Don will announce that for national security reasons the government needs to know the exact location of every non-citizen, legal or illegal.


I suspect that is a very strong possibility.


In the words of MC Hammer, an executive order “can’t touch this.”

The Census is prescribed in Article I, which goes so far as to say

The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

It couldn’t possibly be clearer: the Census belongs to Congress. The Bureau of the Census is essentially a contractor to Congress. Congress has ruled on the questions to be included, and that’s the end of it. Ross’s opinions don’t matter, pReshitdent Skanky Manslut’s opinions don’t matter.

Coming in to the 2030 Census, the Commerce Secretary in 2027/ 2028 can propose a citizenship question, but Congress’s decision on its inclusion is final.

I’m frankly surprised that the lawyers haven’t