President Donald Trump, who has bunkered very strongly since his electoral defeat earlier this month, made a surprise appearance Tuesday in the White House briefing room to credit himself for unprecedented gains in the stock market.
The real reason for this “presser” is that Lame Duck l’Orange needed a fix of camera motors whirring and multiple voices shouting, “Mr. President! Mr. President!”
That’s pathetic. We’re lucky that Trump didn’t use the DOA to develop a Federal vaccine instead of leaving it to private drug companies, or else it would be named the Trump Vaccine.
That trial balloon floated by Geraldo the other day didn’t come out of nowhere, I still expect Trump to push for naming at least one of them after him.
Per World-o-meters 264,000 Americans are dead due to Covid-19 and he is celebrating the stock market hitting 30,000 and calls the number sacred. So much for the sanctity of human life.