Look who’s suddenly in the business of trusting the media’s projections for the presidential race.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1344224
Look who’s suddenly in the business of trusting the media’s projections for the presidential race.
I like this guys description
Here’s his house
Fake votes, fake call, it’s all fake!
The stupid is so obvious it hurts.
As I said on another thread, the MSM called Oklahoma for Trump less than five minutes after the polls closed. No problem there!
As Alaska goes, so goes… Alaska.
Donnie: “Good news? I’ll take it! Bad news? Fake! Investigate! Sue!!”
Baby needs his adoring crowd.
G. R. A. S. P. I. N. G.
And miserable as he has never been before.
For those that don’t know, John Fetterman is the Lt. Gov. of PA and a must follow on Twitter.
Love him.
When is the DNC going to demand a recount of North Carolina?
How about a recount of Maine, very suspicious of Collin’s win.
In the Georgia recount are they going to recount the Senate tallies?
It’s baked in.
John Fetterman is A-OK.
And in Alaska, too, and Louisiana, and Alabama, and Mississippi, and Indiana …
I wonder if there’s a discernible pattern.
(I’m learning about science. Seems promising. I hope it catches on.)
The pivoter is pivoting the pivot.
Coincidentally and unsurprisingly, Dan Patrick is trying to wiggle out of paying up. Fetterman is not having it. There’s a whole thread beat down.
On this seeming Trump hypocrisy, a quote from our host explains:
Why would Donald Trump give you any ability to plan by telling you? Indeed, why would he limit his freedom of maneuver by making any decisions himself? He goes over the top and then keeps his options open to play for the best chance. So it is all of the above and he will push it absolutely as far as he is allowed to.
Whatever works in his favor is good, great and joyous and whatever doesn’t is very unfair, illegal and darker than Erebus and he’s gotten 73 million people to go along with that.
Childish ^2
Actually, he’s circling the drain.
The GOP was always a perfect fit for Trump.
The effect was to siphon off votes from some Dems.
Explains that giant flushing sound.