For the sake of argument accept that Drump is removed as a defendant. That still leaves Jr. and Ghoulie and a whole raft load of discovery.
My feeling exactly. Well said.
Yeah, as best I can understand it, impeachment is basically an employment hearing.
That his offense didn’t bring about his termination is no protection against possible civil or criminal liability.
That, Swalwell said, placed the lives of numerous public officials in danger, and also constituted violations of D.C. law that include aiding and abetting a riot.
Don’t forget that Donald told the crowd to march to the Capitol, in violation of their permit.
Excellent. That would be a double whammy for Trump. Slapped down by Swalwell and the added insult of using his arch enemies words to do it.
You give their argument far too much credit.
“It is well recognized that rousing and controversial speeches are a key function of the presidency,”
Just as yelling “Fire” in a crowded movie theater is protected/free speech?
Also Donnie just threw Jr. under the bus with this brief. Ghoulie too.
Not asking that the suit be dismissed, just that he be dropped.
In this case, Swalwell’s suit is “abuse of the legal system and an improper attempt to harass and malign a political opponent and his son.”
Does “Lock her up” ring a bell?
Hey kids! Get your copy of The Adventures of Donald Trump, Boy Lawyer.
“It is well recognized that rousing and controversial speeches are a key function of the presidency,” Jessee Binnall, an attorney for Trump, wrote in the filing. “That is especially true when, as is the case here, the President is advocating for
or againstcongressionalactionexecution.”
Trump argued that in addition to being acquitted at the February impeachment trial, during which seven Republican senators broke ranks to vote for his conviction, his status as former president rendered him immune from liability, civil or criminal.
What Trump doesn’t get is that he wasn’t elevated to KING on January 20, 2017.
And let’s no forget the newly installed dumbest man in Congress, Rep. Mo Brooks.
insightful that an individual can spend 4 years at a job, one in which absolutely EVERY resource on the globe is available, most with just a simple question, and the Dotard is so incurious or incapable of understanding, and is surrounded by sycophants that are incapable of mentioning the lack of clothing, that he comes across as this stoopid
what a tool, and that he is such a tool with a huge following, well, speaks volume about the intelligence of humanity
It could have been a lack of condor also.
Not an acquittal. It was a hung jury.
Time to take it to a different court with an intelligent jury.
Chiselin’ Trump’s argument carries about as much weight as those warning signs on the rear ends of those gravel haulers.
Ah, back to the old, “you can’t impeach me because there are criminal courts to hold me accountable and you can’t try me in criminal courts because you can impeach me” defense. If we accept this fig leaf of a canard as a defense, we are not deserving of very much.
Trump could respond with a brief asserting Fuck you, I’m going to burn down the Capitol myself next time, and nothing would happen. There is no political or judicial will to engage in the adversarial accountability required.
O.J. was acquitted in a criminal trial. Then lost the wrongful death suit.