Perhaps Meadows reminded his that much of his base either are anti-vaxxers or believe covid is a hoax… It’s all about the base
Ah, big thanks to TPM for the masked Trump pic! I hear it’s an even rarer sighting than the Bahama Nuthatch!
Sadly, LYING is the only skill Trump has!
He’s lying, he already has gotten the vaccine. But Melanoma got a placebo.
But the career staffers at the WH should all be vaccinated soon, both for their protection, as well as for the protection of the incoming administration.
I think the Mango is an anti-vaxxer or afraid of needles or both. This is just another way for him to undermine Dr. Fauci and the NIH scientists. He probably didn’t like what Dr. Collins said yesterday. The stupidity is strong in this one.
Fortunately, POTUS-Elect Biden will call the shots for HIS team and they, for all the right reasons, will get innoculated early.
Having had Covid he should be immune. DK if monoclonal antibodies have any impact on that.
I look forward to a day when every third story isn’t about a Trump tweet.
Whom I kidding though? Trump will be featured forever.
And the secret service agents, who are required to protect the superspreader-in-chief.
Naw, he’s incapable. There’s something/someone else behind this
Someone told him of the side effects…He’s a totally chicken, gutless wonder.
Personally I believe that the political staff should be last in line. Their behavior has sickened so many people–both directly and indirectly with the nonsense they have spread that they deserve nothing more. There is no one less deserving of this vaccine than the political trash that inhabits the White House.
But the permanent staff: the folks that take care of the place.
They shouldn’t be last in line. In fact, it would be in the best interest of the incoming administration that these folks get their doses.
Which is precisely why Trump won’t let it happen.
there will come a day when we won’t be reading about trumpfs every brain-fart…just keep believing that…altho’ i do think TPM will find a way to get him on this site…somehow; even if its only to report on his whatevers…
can these people get the vaccine on their own time…they don’t need his permission , do they?
I would suggest it would depend on availability and where they are in the line. I don’t know what’s happening with these first doses other than that first responders and health care workers and nursing homes are first.
My first thought as well. There’s no way in hell he wrote that.
Google is lcrashing.
Many less than noble motivations here
One - under mine the move by
Obama & Bush & Clinton to step up and get the vaccine in a show of confidence in its safety …
Two - what meds & treatments & “vaccines” has Trump already had?
Three - Trump probably holds a grudge against Pfizer because it has kept him at arm’s length … Maybe Trump will go for the Moderna
Don’t discount the idea that people in the Whitehouse would rather wait and see if there are any side-effects that haven’t been noticed yet.
Then he shouldn’t be ‘scared’ to take the vaccine…you know, SHOW LEADERSHIP.
They would have to justify getting it before their scheduled phase, and that would probably take a formal request from the WH. At any rate, health care workers should get it first. After Jan 20, Biden and his team can probably stay physically isolated from most of the career staffers and arrange for strenuous testing from them until they can get the vaccine.