When indicted for Big Boy Federal Crimes in multiple jurisdictions, especially those with a robust intent requirement, it is very smart and strong and bigly good to sit for interviews describing your contemporaneous thought process and state of mind.
Well, it was his decision and he was President. That makes it an executive decision which is protected by executive privilege meaning Trump can’t be held accountable in any way for it.
Case dismissed!
(Always remember, the Constitution will say whatever you want it to say so long as you don’t allow anyone to correct you.)
In the days of what we consider Original Fascism there would have been only media that was controlled by the President and we would be in a fascist state right now with this fat fuck as leader for life.
Your neighbor would be turning you into the police for listening to rap music. The length of your skirt would be legally binding, and the ignorant bully POS on your street would be a corrupt cop if they are not already.
It will come if he is allowed another shot at the role of president. We’re sitting here wondering what happens if he wins when he has already proven that just participating allows him to foment violence in his people.
What, you think if he loses this time he’s going to concede?
Is this idiot so desperate that he believes the only way to go forward is to “taint the jury pool” and use that to get the case moved to Texas where as we’ve all just seen, anything goes and black is white (i.e., blatant corruption is normal and acceptable)? What is his motivation? Insanity?
I’m not sure why someone in the press just doesn’t ask Trump during his next interview if he is sane or insane. A preamble listed some of his questionable statements and actions naturally leads to this sort of question.
And then the follow-up question to every Republican (not just candidates) asking are they insane for supporting such an individual and party where the rule of law has been destroyed. Time for public niceties is over.
When asked why he ignored his lawyers and advisers who told him he lost the 2020 election, Trump said on NBC’s “Meet The Press” it was because he “didn’t respect them.”
Is he listening to his current lawyers? I can’t imagine they’d be okay with this interview OR his answers to these questions.
Every one of his many, many attorneys have had to decide at what point the reputational risk outweighs the money and when to admit the error in their belief that they’ll be the lawyer who will get him to act like a normal defendant.
He’s trying to influence the jury pool. He only needs one juror in the J6 trial to believe he acted in good faith on the advice of lawyer group A instead of lawyer group B, to beat the rap. As long as he’s not under a gag order, his current lawyers probably don’t care that he’s running this parallel track in the court of public opinion.
I think y’all are going too deep on this question. Allow me to present you an exclusive ‘get’ from my Deep State spies: the official Donald J. Trump Decision Tree Which I Use To Decide To Talk About Myself
Am I literally sitting in a courtroom/deposition right this instant?
→ N
Is there a mic in front of me?
Does someone want to hear my very large, very beautiful words which I’ll use to talk about myself?
Guess he’s going with the, “how could I have broken the law when I really believed that I had won?” legal strategy. I need a list of all of this guy’s current lawyers so if I’m ever in any legal trouble I know exactly who not to call.
Trump’s admissions on Meet the Press just made Jack Smith’s whole case. Smith should ask Judge Chutkan for a summary judgement on the public and admitted facts and the law and proceed right into the decision(s) on punishment.
Honestly you can’t make this stuff up or overstate how profoundly stupid Trump is. How can anyone vote for this “effing moron ‘