Trump’s Vindman Ouster Tweet | Talking Points Memo

If you are registered to vote - make certain the party of trump hasn’t erased you from the rolls!


Is this true that Vindman’s superior had a problem with him and his judgment?


The GOP IS Trump.

Watch the contortionsts


Don’t believe so—the photographer is a freelancer with some credentials for access to public events. He’s supposedly a Trump enthusiast so why he released this laughable image (it’s actually contrastier and oranger than other images from this moment) is hard to imagine.


There’s an opening for a photographer at the White House, in case anyone is interested.


I’d warrant you that if they’re not from NYC, they probably are neither decent nor do they understand that.

It’s how we ended up with Trump, given that all of NYC knew what scum he was, but that info failed to get out to the rest of the country.


I want her not politely asked, but confronted with the direct quotes from Trump, and challenged what about that indicates he learned his lesson.

Then ignored.

We have to stop letting these people off the accountability hooks.


Our biggest problem is not defeating IMPOTUS. It is Barr, who has already told us how he’s going to get the orange son-of-an-orangutan (my apologies to the greater primates) re-elected:

By the way, the Treasury Department, under the head of Monkey Mnuchin, is already floating handing over tax reports on Hunter Biden and Jane Sanders to anyone wanting to attack Dem candidates. Cuz, that’s perfectly ok with Barr, because he wasn’t talking about vetoing investigations into Dems, just wants to protect Republicans.

We know Barr will do everything for the re-election. Without Trump, Barr’s going to go to a place worse than Capitol Hill.

What we REALLY need are some good whistles for distribution throughout the DOJ!


FIFY! :wink:


Vengeance belongs to higher beings than Trump.
Whatever it is he is exacting is a mere shadow of what he will face someday.
Crybaby’s gonna finally get that spanking he deserved so many times, and it won’t be with a Forbes.


Riiiiight. Since everyone just saw what happened to both the guy who talked to the Whistleblower and his brother.

And the only reason the WB hasn’t had worse is that, despite them touting a name, they’re not 100% sure they’ve got the right one.

Naw, Deep State took its shot, nobody is going to volunteer to be on the chopping block now that they know nothing will come of it


This is where the next seven months worth of effort needs to happen. Car pools to get voters to their appropriate registration locations; collection of funds so that the disenfranchised due to lack of proper ID (which is horseshit, but let’s play the game) can get the ID they need.

There isn’t enough time to insist that States loosen their rules and given that most of the disenfranchisement is taking place in deeply red States, let’s play the game by the rules they’ve written.

There’s a parable Jesus told about the marriage supper (see in particular Matthew 22: 1 -14) - the rich and well-off gave many reasons for being unable to come to the supper. The dinner host said, ‘go out into the highways and by-ways and COMPEL them to come! For none of those that were unable to come shall taste of my supper’.

This is the position we have to take - you wanna make it hard? You wanna take it away? Hell no, we will make it easier and we will make it simple, in spite of you.

This needs to happen. Today. And for the next however long until registration is closed.

And then, watch out for the tsunami. We’ll go where these thieves live and take 'em out.


Because I’m tired of the steady diet of trumPPworld news, here’s what Nancy Pelosi said about recent events.

Our Founders put safeguards in the Constitution to protect against a rogue president. They never imagined that they would at the same time have a rogue leader in the Senate who would cowardly abandon his duty to uphold the Constitution.

Sadly, because of the Republican Senate’s betrayal of the Constitution, the president remains an ongoing threat to American democracy. He continues to insist that he is above accountability and that he can corrupt the elections again, if he wants to.


Bone spur?!?

More like bone spurious.


Some people might actually find that as a challenge… You never know.


Trump is trying to perfect the art of being a truly small man. He manages to lose stature every chance he gets.


You seems to have a thing up your ass about Collins. Do you have another 50 or so in the same place about all the other R quislings because pounding on her alone is getting tiresome.


It should never be forgotten that Donnie is the grandson of a pimp.


Dunno about the rest, but I personally reserve a special loathing for the folks like Collins who pretend to be what they aren’t.

Can respect someone like Mitch, who makes no bones about being a good Soviet for soldier working to bring us all under Putin’s wing.


Collins is probably the most visible of the GOP traitors, who fails to understand the oath she took. She’s the one put her thoughts and prayers out there in the most vocal way, even to the point where she had to walk back her idea that he’d learned from the impeachment to that she hoped he did.

It’s so tone deaf as to be astounding and keeping this dope in the forefront will guarantee she gets fired in November.

I’ll take anything I can get.

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